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Benefits of doing your Master’s in Public Health

Overview of the African Public Health sector

• To talk about its educational infrastructure, South African

universities have undergone a huge structural and functional
transformation and have contributed to the literacy rate of the
• You can expect quality public health education at affordable prices
in the leading institutes. Hence if you want a great career in public
health, look for the most eminent college to study public health
online in South Africa which proves beneficial for your career.
The soaring value/demand for public health professionals in today's world

• If you are planning to study public health, you might be curious to know about
its prospective career opportunities.
• You would be glad to find that this sector has a rising demand for job seekers
and the demand would even grow more in the near future. According to the
expert prediction, there is around 19% growth in the healthcare industry in the
next 5 years.
• An advanced public health course will definitely add to the skills and academic
credentials to an aspiring health care student. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
experts predicted that there is a rising demand for the job roles of medical
services managers, healthcare workers, and educators which will increase by
19% by the year 2024.
• The US employers, including government and insurance companies, will add
more managers to the US workforce by 2024. Hence this predictive demand is
quite impressive.
Salary range & social status of Master of Public Health degree holders in Africa

An education with a Master of Public Health is undoubtedly a smart choice in terms

of career and salary potentiality. Your education is worth it as you can certainly
expect a wide range of salary.
Here is a list of salary expectancy of different job roles of a master’s degree holder of
public health courses:
• Health services administration $37,500 to $160,000
• Biostatistics $33,000 to $63,000
• Epidemiology $40,000 to 135,000
• Health education $ 33,000 to $80,000
• Clinical research coordinator $ 38,000 to $ 50,000
• Executive director $60,000$ 130,000
• International health$35,000 to $80,000
• Nutrition $30,000 to $70,000
How would a Master's degree in Public Health with Texila help?

• Texila is the best Institute to provide the universally recognized degree

of Public Health. With a Master's degree from Texila, a candidate can
pursue several lucrative careers in public health which can bring about
a real difference in the world.
• The contribution of Healthcare Specialists is important as it increases
life expectancy and decreasing infant mortality. Hence these diversified
career options prepare the generation to ensure that right health
information reaches the right audience.
Are you ready to join the public health experts’ league? Check out our
website at to browse through our
great programs. Log in
to enroll yourself to study public health online and initiate your first step to
become a public health officer today.
To know more click the link given below

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