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Type the basic tags

Is just like the paper forms
you fill out in real life . It is
made up of spaces where you
can enter text information. It
can also made up of
checkboxes or radio buttons
where you can select items.

indicates the form tag.
 <input> - empty tag.
text attribute
- text is the default, with
size use to specify the default size of the
box. The default size is 20 characters.
Syntax or tag:
<input text name=“label” size=“value of the
size of the box”>
 <input
type=“password” maxlength=no. of

<b> Username: </b>

<Input text name:"username" size="15">

<br> <br>

<u> Password: </u>

<Input type="password" maxlength="6">

 Type=“checkbox”
 Allows users to make a multiple selections
from a list. They display an array of choices
that are visible at once, and from which a
user can select any, all or none.
 Includes the attributes name and value
<input type="checkbox"
name="transportation" value="car”> car
<input type="checkbox"
name="transportation" value=“bus”
checked> bus


 To create a set of options that a user can see
all at once, and from which a user can make
only one selection.
<input type="radio" name=“color"
value=“red" checked> red
Withthe attributes name=“ ”
accept=“filetype/*” size=“ ”
maxlength=“ ”>
<inputtype="file" name="find"
accept="filetype/*" size="25"
Tag allows you to produce a
box that can contains several
lines of text.
With attributes name, cols
and rows.
 <textarea name="feedback" rows="5"
 Tag creates a list field in which some choices
are hidden. With attribute name.
 With sub tag <option>
<Select Name="flavor">
<Option> Vanilla
<Option Selected >Strawberry
<Option> Chocolate
<Option> Peach
Example :
<input type=“submit” value=“Send”>
<input type=“reset” Value=“Clear All”>
 Create a webpage containing the ff:
 Use input (checkbox, submit, reset, radio,
textarea and select.
Name of Customer:
Contact Number:
Rate us
What dish did you like most?
How did you know us?
Feedback and Suggestions:

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