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Group 5

DRAWINGS (cartoon-simple)

The key is to plan for a polished rendering

from the beginning. Often times, an artist
can start the sketch and draw it the first
time as if it is the finished product. This
traps you in a mess of lines that you can’t
erase or clean up later. Hence, the inability
to make it a polished pieced of work.
Try drawing in these phases:
1. Start and complete the drawing/sketch with a very lite hand. This
phase is just to get the idea on paper, not the finished product.
2. Correct or adjust your sketch as necessary. Once you have a pretty firm
idea of what you want on paper you can move on.
3. Next, trace the sketch with a little more pressure. Focus on just getting
the outline perfect.
4. With a good quality erase erase everything but the perfected lines
you’ve drawn. This is where you take away all of the prep sketching and
marks and are left with a clean/polished line drawing.
5. Once you have your line drawing and page cleaned up, you can
carefully add details and shading to your line drawing. Start with a gentle
hand until you have the details and shading the way you want it so not to
place any marks on the page that you can’t easily erase later.
6. Enjoy. Your finished!

A keyframe in animation and filmmaking is a

drawing that defines the starting and ending
points of any smooth transition. The drawings are
called as "frames" because their position in time
is measured in frames on a strip of film. A
sequence of keyframes defines which movement
the viewer will see, whereas the position of the
keyframes on the film, video, or animation
defines the timing of the movement. Because
only two or three keyframes over the span of a
second do not create the illusion of movement,
the remaining frames are filled with inbetweens.

A Line Test is a process used to check hand

drawn frames prior to them being used for final
artwork. Frames are captured either via a video
camera, frame by frame or by scanning them into
a computer. The resulting sequence allows the
animator to assess how well the sequence is
flowing. If the result is unsatisfactory then the
animator can simply re-draw, add or delete
frames and then create another line test.
Clean-up is a part of the workflow in the
production of hand-drawn animation.
In traditional animation, the first drawings are
called "roughs" or "rough animation" because
they are often done in a very loose fashion. If
the animation is successfully pencil tested and
approved by the director, clean versions of the
drawings have to be done. In larger studios this
task is given to the animator's assistant, or, in a
more specialised setting, to a clean-up-artist.
The artist doing the clean-ups is responsible for
the final line and finished look of the shot.

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