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Mr. Jerwin A.

Gutierrez, MAEdSci
Master Teacher 1 (Science)
Explain the following
Cell Cycle
- also known as cell-division
- the series of events that
take place in a cell leading
to duplication of its DNA
(DNA replication) and
division of cytoplasm and
organelles to produce two
daughter cells.
Two (2) Forms of Cell Cycle:

1. Mitosis - the simple cell division that

starts from one mother cell and ends up
with two (2) daughter cells each having
the same number of chromosomes
2. Meiosis - the reduction division
wherein one mother cell divides into
four (4) cells each one having half the
number of chromosomes of the original
parent cell.
1. One (1) division 1. Two (2) divisions

2. Two (2) daughter cells per cycle 2. Four (4) daughter cells per cycle

3. Daughter cells genetically identical 3. Daughter cells genetically different

4. Chromosome number of daughter cells same 4. Chromosome number of daughter cells half
as that of the parent cell (2n) that of parent cell (1n)

5. Occurs in somatic cells 5. Occurs in germline cells

6. Occurs throughout life 6. In humans, completes after sexual maturity

7. Used for growth, repair and asexual 7. Used for sexual reproduction, producing new
reproduction gene combinations
Two (2) Main Phases of the
Cell Cycle:

1. Mitotic (M) phase - mitosis and

2. Interphase - about 90% of the cell
cycle, cell growth and copying of
chromosomes in preparation for cell
Subphases of Interphase:

a. G1 phase (“first gap”) – growth &

normal metabolic roles
b. S phase (“synthesis”) – DNA
c. G2 phase (“second gap”) –
growth & preparation for Mitosis
Four (4) Phases of Mitosis :

1. Prophase – 1st phase (longest)

2. Metaphase – 2nd phase
3. Anaphase – 3rd phase
4. Telophase – 4th (final) phase

(*Think PMAT to recall order.)

1. chromosomes visible (sister chromatids)
2. centrioles migrate to the poles (only in animals)
3. nuclear membrane disappears
4. spindle forms
1. chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell
2. spindles attach to centromeres

1. sister chromatids separate
2. centromeres divide
3. sister chromatids move to opposite poles
1. chromosomes uncoil • now chromatin
2. nuclear membranes reform
3. spindle disappears
-Occurs at end of Mitosis
--division of the cytoplasm to form 2 new daughter
--organelles are divided
-Daughter cells are genetically identical

Cells return to interphase

Cytokinesis: A Closer Look
• In animal cells
– Cytokinesis occurs by a process known as cleavage,
forming a cleavage furrow

Cleavage furrow 100 µm

Contractile ring of
Daughter cells

Figure 12.9 A (a) Cleavage of an animal cell (SEM)

• In plant cells, during cytokinesis
–A cell plate forms

Vesicles Wall of 1 µm
forming patent cell Cell plate New cell wall
cell plate

Daughter cells
Figure 12.9 B (b) Cell plate formation in a plant cell (SEM)
Plant Cell Mitosis
Plant Mitosis -- Review
Interphase Prophase

Metaphase Anaphase

Telophase Interphase
Animal Mitosis -- Review
Interphase Prophase

Metaphase Anaphase

Telophase Interphase

1.Name the
phases starting
at the top.
2.Name the phase
3.Identify X
4.Identify Y
5. Name the
6. Name the

Meiosis is the type of cell division by which

germ cells (eggs and sperm) are produced.

One parent cell produces four daughter cells.

Daughter cells have half the number of
chromosomes found in the original parent cell

During meiosis, DNA replicates once,

but the nucleus divides twice.
First Division of Meiosis
• Prophase 1: Each chromosome duplicates and remains
closely associated. These are called sister chromatids.

• Metaphase 1: Chromosomes align at the center of the cell.

• Anaphase 1: Chromosome pairs separate with sister

chromatids remaining together.

• Telophase 1: Two daughter cells are formed with each

daughter containing only one chromosome of the
chromosome pair.
Second Division of Meiosis
• Prophase 2: DNA does not replicate.

• Metaphase 2: Chromosomes line up at the center of the


• Anaphase 2: Centromeres divide and sister chromatids

move separately to each pole.

• Telophase 2: Cell division is complete.

Four haploid daughter cells are formed.

Crossing Over
• When chromosomes pair in the early prophase
of the first division of meiosis (Meiosis I), a
crossover occurs between two non-sister
• This results in an exchange of genetic material
between the maternal and paternal
• The drawing provided shows a crossover
between the non-sister chromatids of two,
homologous chromosomes.
Crossing Over Animation
Meiosis Animation
Preformation theory
Leeuwenhoek : a
miniature human
being in sperm
The Cell Cycle and Cancer
Cancer is a disease of the cell cycle. Some
of the body’s cells divide uncontrollably and
tumors form.

Tumor in Colon
Tumors in Liver
DNA mutations disrupt the cell cycle.

Mutations may be
caused by:

1. radiation
2. smoking
3. pollutants
4. chemicals
5. viruses
While normal cells will stop dividing if there is a mutation in
the DNA, cancer cells will continue to divide with mutation.
Due to DNA mutations, cancer cells ignore
the chemical signals that start and stop the
cell cycle.
Due to DNA mutations, cancer cells cannot
communicate with neighboring cells. Cells
continue to grow and form tumors.

Skin cancer
Cell Cycle Control
• Two irreversible points in cell cycle
– replication of genetic material
– separation of sister chromatids
• Cell can be put on hold at specific
checkpoints sister chromatids


single-stranded double-stranded
chromosomes chromosomes
Checkpoint control system
• Checkpoints
– cell cycle controlled by STOP & GO
chemical signals at critical points
– signals indicate if key cellular
processes have been
completed correctly
Checkpoint control system
• 3 major checkpoints:
– G1 checkpoint
• can DNA synthesis begin?
– G2 checkpoint
• has DNA been copied correctly?
• commitment to mitosis
– M checkpoint
• AKA spindle checkpoint
• Are chromosomes attaches to
spindle properly allowing for sister
chromatids to separate correctly?
• Programmed cell death
• “Cell suicide”
 Uncontrolled cell growth
 Why??
 Checkpoints in cell cycle break down
 Due to mutations in genes that produce proteins that control the
Can cause tumors (mass of cells)
Malignant tumor – cancerous tumor that may spread to
other areas of the body
Benign tumor – non-cancerous tumor
Biopsy- sample tissue is taken from tumor to determine if it
is cancerous or not

Metastasis- the spreading of cancer from one part of the body

to another
G1 checkpoint
• G1 checkpoint is most critical
– primary decision point
– if cell receives “go” signal, it divides!
– if does not receive “go” signal,
cell exits cycle &
switches to G0 phase or
apoptosis occurs
“Go-ahead” signals
• Signals that promote cell growth &
– proteins
– internal signals
• “promoting factors”
– external signals
• “growth factors”
• Primary mechanism of control
– phosphorylation
• kinase enzymes
Cyclin & Cyclin dependent kinases
• CDKs & cyclin drive cell from one phase to next in cell
Growth Factors and Cancer
• Growth factors influence cell cycle
– proto-oncogenes
• normal genes that become oncogenes (cancer-
causing) when mutated
• stimulates cell growth
• if switched on can cause cancer
• example: RAS (activates cyclins)
– tumor-suppressor genes
• inhibits cell division
• if switched off can cause cancer
• example: p53
Cancer & Cell Growth
• Cancer is essentially a failure
of cell division control
– unrestrained, uncontrolled cell growth
• What control is lost?
– checkpoint stops
– gene p53 plays a key role in G1 checkpoint
• p53 protein halts cell division if it detects damaged DNA
– stimulates repair enzymes to fix DNA
– forces cell into G0 resting stage
– keeps cell in G1 arrest
– causes apoptosis of damaged cell
• ALL cancers have to shut down p53 activity

p53 discovered at Stony Brook by Dr. Arnold Levine

p53 — master regulator gene
p53 allows cells
with repaired
DNA to divide.
protein DNA repair enzyme

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

DNA damage is caused Cell division stops, and p53 triggers the destruction
by heat, radiation, or p53 triggers enzymes to of cells damaged beyond
chemicals. repair damaged region. repair.

p53 protein

Step 1 Step 2 cell
DNA damage is The p53 protein fails to stop Step 3
caused by heat, cell division and repair DNA. Damaged cells continue to divide.
radiation, or Cell divides without repair to If other damage accumulates, the
chemicals. damaged DNA. cell can turn cancerous.
Development of Cancer
• Cancer develops only after a cell experiences
– unlimited growth
• turn on growth promoter genes
– ignore checkpoints
• turn off tumor suppressor genes
– escape apoptosis
• turn off suicide genes
– immortality = unlimited divisions
– promotes blood vessel growth
What causes these “hits”?
• Mutations in cells can be triggered by
 UV radiation  cigarette smoke
 chemical exposure  pollution
 radiation exposure  age
 heat  genetics
• Mass of abnormal cells
– Benign tumor
• abnormal cells remain at original site as a lump
– p53 has halted cell divisions
• most do not cause serious problems &
can be removed by surgery
– Malignant tumors
• cells leave original site
– lose attachment to nearby cells
– carried by blood & lymph system to other tissues
– start more tumors = metastasis
• impair functions of organs throughout body
Treating Cancers

Cancer treatments include drugs that can stop cancer cells

from dividing.
Traditional treatments for
• Treatments target rapidly dividing cells
– high-energy radiation &
chemotherapy with toxic drugs
• kill rapidly dividing cells
Normal Cell Division Cancer Cells

1. DNA is replicated 1. Mutations occur in the

properly. DNA when it is
2. Chemical signals start replicated.
and stop the cell cycle. 2. Chemical signals that
3. Cells communicate with start and stop the cell
each other so they cycle are ignored.
don’t become 3. Cells do not communicate
overcrowded. with each other and
tumors form.

* Go to your group mates & have

a brainstorming, planning &
practicing of your group
Performance Tas.


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