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-Valeros D.
-Valeros M.
What is dilemma?
The dilemma is another type of expanded
syllogism. It is used as a weapon against an
opponent, seeking to place him under the
obligation to admit one of two alternatives,
both of which oblige him to accept a
conclusion he does not wish to admit.
• Dilemmas force people to choose between
two options, and therefore makes them
realize the consequence of their ideas.
• The dilemma is a valuable debating tool, but it
is not so easy to construct a good one.
• The alternatives presented have to be the only
two possibilities, and both have to lead to the
same conclusion.
Structure of Dilemma
• Two major premises+ Hypothetical form and a
disjunctive (either or)+ Minor Premise

If A, then C follows.
If B, then C follows.
Either A or B.
Therefore, whether A or B, C follows.
Structure of Dilemma
1. (E G) (~ E ~ L)

2. E v ~E
3. ∴ G v ~L

Fallacies: Same as hypothetical syllogisms.

1. Denying Antecedent
2. Affirming the Consequent
How to avoid dilemma?
1. Go between the horns.
You come up with a third option not listed in
the minor premise.
2. Take the dilemma by the horns
You take issue with the major premise itself. Are both
“if then” propositions really true? Do both
consequents really flow from their antecedents?
3. Counter Dilemma
You can offer your own dilemma (ideally using the
same terms) and show a different conclusion.
Defeating An Atheist’s Dilemma
Bertrand Russell:
If all things are caused, then so is God since He has being.
And If all things are not caused, then neither is the world.
So either all things are caused, or all things are not caused.
Therefore, either God is caused, or not even the world was caused.
(A G) . (~ A ~ W)

A v ~A
G v~W

 Let’s take this dilemma by the horns and take issue with the
major premise.
 Russell has misunderstood the law of causality!
Counter Dilemma
If the universe was eternal, then you would not need a creator.
And if the universe was not eternal, then you would need a creator.
Either the universe is eternal, or it is not eternal.
Therefore either you don’t need a creator or you need a creator.

(U ~ C) . (~ U C)
U v ~U
~C v C

 All we have to argue about with atheists is whether or not the

universe is eternal!
We Can Prove God Exists!
 Everything is an illusion
The only other
 The universe self created itself
options are both
logically impossible!

Eternal Creator Eternal Universe

Something or Someone must be eternal: Ex nihilo nihil fit = out of

nothing, nothing comes!
Engineer’s role is to develop our world.
If an engineer tears down an old building,
poor people will lose their home.
If an engineer doesn't tear down an old
building, he will lose his job.
Either he tears the building or not,
he does wrong.

If engineers make the design of the phone extravagant,
the cost will go up and the customer will complain.
If engineers make the design of the phone poor, the cost of
production will decrease but the customer will complain.
Either engineer makes the design poor or good,
Therefore, the customer will complain.

-Valeros, M.
If an engineer designs a product, it must be
for the sake of the environment.
If an engineer advocates for change, it must be
for the sake of the environment.
Whether an engineer designs a product or an
advocate for change,
Then it must be for the sake of the environment.

If engineers didn't put enough voltage for the
device, it’ll be crashed.
If engineers didn't manage to maintain the
electric currents, it’ll be crashed.
Either engineers didn't put enough voltage for the device or
engineers didn't manage to maintain the electric.
Therefore, it’ll be crashed.

A fresh Civil Engineer should apply Abroad, or not
If he would work abroad he would be away from his
family but he would have income.
If he would not, he would stay with his family and
work in the Philippines with short income.
Therefore, whether he works abroad or in the country
he will have a salary.

If there is less time to work, the engineers will cram.
If there is no material for work, the engineers will cram.
Either there is less time to work or no materials for work.
Therefore, the engineers will cram.

Justine, Daniel, and Marvin are engineers and good friends

Justine should tell Daniel that her girlfriend, Elizabeth, is having an affair with Marvin.
If he tells, he will hurt the feelings of Marvin and will be mad at him,
If he does not tell, then the Daniel will be the one to be hurt,
Therefore, whether he tells it or not, he will hurt one his friends or both.


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