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• traditional festival

• the end of the winter

• the beginning of spring
it for 7 days
The main
treatments are
Blini (“baked suns)


You can eat Blini with

different fillings.
Sour crème condensed milk

People have fun
Participate in snow fights
Fist fighting
Burn a Scarecrow

A straw puppet

from sleighing hills

Sunday, is called “Farewell” or
“Forgiving Sunday”.

It is important to ask your

relatives, friends, loved ones
for forgiveness on this day.
meat dairy products
forbidden because of the
Great Lent
Recipes: Simple Pancakes
Dough – 2.5 glasses; eggs – 4 or 5; sugar – 100 g; butter – 200 g; dough - тесто
milk – 3 to 4 glasses.
sugar - сахар
For the simple thin pancakes the dough is prepared of dough, separate - разделить
milk, eggs and salt.
yolks - желтки
First thing you should do is separate the yolks from whites. whites -белки
stir - мешать
Then stir the yolks with sugar slowly adding milk whilst stirring.
Then add the salt and the melted hot butter. add - добавлять
melt - растопить
Then start adding the dough (very slowly), stirring the mixture
and smoothing the dough nubbles. nubbles - пузыри
bake – выпекать, печь
As the last step, add the stirred whites.
Now everything is ready for baking pancakes on the hot frying frying pan - сковородка

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