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Conservatism arose as a

reaction to the frenetic pace

of economic and political
change during the French
Revolution. Conservatism
harked back to the ancient
regime. It stood in defense of
increasingly embattled social
 the desire to preserve
institutions and is reflected
in a resistance to, or at least
suspicion of change
 Society should be viewed in
its entirety
 Gave rise to institutions
and values
Traditions must be
conserved. These
includes the customs,
institutions, and
ways of doing things
that have endured
through time.
 Tradition reflects the Tradition
“accumulated wisdom of the
 It is also a source of
reassurance and sense of
 It should be preserve for
future generation
Belief in pragmatism
highlights the limit of
human reason. Actions
should be shaped by
practical circumstances
and goals
 Conservatives frown on Pragmatism
abstract principles and
system of thought because
of perceived limits of
human rationality
 They rely more on
experience and history
Individuals are morally
corrupt and are sources
of crime and disorder.
Order could be achieved
through a strong state
Human Imperfection
Without an effective state,
human beings will be left
to themselves, thus
destroying the fragile
fabric of the society
Society is an organic
whole and is a living
entity, more than being
an artifact of human
Society is more than Organicism
the sum of its
individual parts. What
strengthens the
community is shared
values, aside from a
common culture.
Social position and
status is only natural.
With this, hierarchy is
thought to be
Individuals occupy
different role in the society
because they perform
different roles and
responsibilities. Society is
held together by shared
obligations and reciprocal
Authority must be exercised
from above. Leadership is
provided to guide and
support those who lack
knowledge and those who
have little capacity to act for
their self-interest.
It is significant because
it is individual’s source
of security and
independence from
Property also
encourages individuals
to be law-obedient and
respectful for the
property of others.
 Edmund Burke held the
notion that wisdom is mainly
the result of experience,
tradition and history.
 He had an unflattering view
of the government; it could
stop evil but it does not always
promote what is good.

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