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Literacy Journey:Elementary

School years
Nikole Gomez

“A person’s a person, no matter

how small” -Dr.Seuss
- I loved Dr.Seuss books in elementary school.
This is one of my favorite quotes by him because I
recall feeling very small during this time of my life.
I felt like my opinions didn’t matter to adults and
parents always told me what to because I was so young.
This quote made me feel better and validated.
K-3 grade

• One of my favorite books in Kindergarten

was “If you give a mouse a cookie” because
the pictures kept me engaged start to finish.
• I read a lot of books during these grades,
especially at home.
• As soon as I could read, I started reading to
my mom before bed instead of her reading to
• I learned to write pretty quick but I
remember always getting frustrated because
I wanted to write neater.
K-3 grade (Continued)

- One website that my elementary school teachers showed me was “Storyline

Online” which I used at home all the time. This website has videos of famous
people reading popular story books. I loved this website so much growing up.
4th Grade

• To be quite frank, 4th grade is a blur to me and I don’t remember much.

I don’t have any of my old writing to see what I worked on.
• I remember my teacher was an older woman and she sadly broke her
hip halfway through the school year so we had a lot of substitutes.
• I also remember my teacher being mad at our class a lot because we
had a lot of behavior problems.
• I remember continuing to read during this grade and writing on grade-
5th grade

• I recall reading all 13 books from the “Series

of Unfortunate Events” collection.
• I loved reading and couldn’t get enough of it. I
remember being so excited to wake up early on
Saturday mornings so that I could read while
everyone else slept-in (only time there was
silence in my house).
• My writing was good during this time in my life.
Writing came to me very easy and the
assignments in my class required minimal effort
because I was reading so much.

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