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Parts of the Body and Health Problem

Learning Objectives;
Students should be able to;
 Express the location of the pain in the body


Study the vocabulary and its description listed below!

to have + noun an ache sprained
to ache a pain stiff
to hurt a bruise sore
to throb a rash paintful
to itch a cut dizzy
to irritate a scar fainted
to inure a swelling injured

ache (verb): merasa sakit yang tidak terlalu, tetapi berlangsung terus

• I’m aching all over
• Her eyes ache from lack of sleep

ache (n): rasa sakit

• Mom, I have got a tummy ache
• Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage
• Bellyache/stomachache: sakit perut
Pain (noun): suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit
atau luka atau tindakan tertentu


• She was clearly in a lot of pain

• He felt a sharp pain in his knee
• Patients suffering from acute pain
• The booklet contains information on pain relief during labor
• This cream should help to relieve the pain
painful (adj): terasa sakit


• Is your back still painful?

• My ankle is still too painful to walk on
hurt (v): menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik,


• He hurt his back playing squash

• Did you hurt yourself?
• My back is really hurting me today
• Strong light hurts my eyes
Injured (adj): melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka


• He injured his knee when playing hockey

• She injured herself during training

throb (v): terasa sakit berdenyut‐denyut


• His head throbbed painfully

• My feet were throbbing after the long walk home
sore (adj): sakit, perih (bias karena infeksi atau gerakan yang


• I have a sore throat

• His feet were sore after the long walk
• My stomach is still sore after the operation
Itch (v): gatal
• I itch all over
• Does the rash itch?
• This sweater really itches
Useful Expression

Would/Can you show me/point at the location of

your pain?

Show me where the location of your pain is?

Where is the pain?

Is it (your pain) in your + (part of the body)?
Do you feel pain in your + (part of the body)?
Students Activity 1

Translate into communicative English using the words given

1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya

I feel pain in my knee


2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri

My ankle is really hurt

3. (throb) Kepala saya pusing berdenyut‐denyut

My head was throbbing
Students Activity 1

Translate into communicative English using the words given

4. (itch) Punggung saya sering terasa gatal

My back often itches

5. (injured) Jari tangannya terluka

Her finger was injured

6. (sore) Pasien terasa sakit tenggorokan sepanjang hari

The patient gets sore all day
Students Activity 2

Complete the question based on the answer given

What time does the doctor visit to my

1. Patient: _________________________________________ room ?

Nurse: The doctor visits to your room at 8. a.m.

When did you feel stomachache?
2. Nurse : _______________________________________________

Patient : I felt stomachache this morning

3. Nurse :
How long has she got toothache?

Patient : She has got toothache for 2 days.

Students Activity 2

Complete short dialogue below by using words properly

Nurse : Good afternoon, sir. How are you _______ now?
Patient : Good afternoon. I am feeling better than before
Nurse 6 hale and hearty
: That’s really great. You ______
You have a _________ test right now
Patient : Blood test...for what?
Nurse : 5
To _______ 1
the ________ your hemoglobin
Patient : 3 stomach
Okay that will be done ________
Nurse : Yes it will be done empty stomach

(1) level (3) empty (5) check

(2) blood (4) feeling (6) look
Students Activity 2

Make conversation between a nurse and a patient

Nurse : Ask what the

problem is
Patient : calls a nurse
,state your complaint

Nurse : repeat
patient’s expression
Patient : tell nurse Nurse : ask the patient
for sure
where you feel pain to the location of

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