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Types of Sentences

• A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete

Example: Ana is going to eat.

Kim ate an apple.
Manuel is playing at the library.
There are four types of sentences
• Declarative Sentence
• Interrogative Sentence
• Imperative Sentence
• Exclamatory Sentence
Declarative Sentence
• makes a statement ,usually
a fact, and ends with a

• Example
Andrew will go fishing.
Jamal ran with the ball.
The children
are running at
the park.
Exclamatory Sentence
• expresses strong emotion or feeling
and ends with an exclamation point.
Exclamatory Sentence

What a shame! That was a great play, Jamal!

Interrogative Sentence
• asks a question and ends with a
question mark.

Who won the game What color is the Which tree is the tallest?
yesterday? postman’s uniform?
Imperative Sentence
• gives a command or a request and usually ends with a
Go fishing, Andrew.
Run faster, Jamal.

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