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Learning activity 3 Elizabeth Arango Urrego

Tablet vs Laptop

Hello everybody I am Elizabeth Arango and today I’m going to compare

two gadget first the tablet, and later the laptop.

The table is very good to travel because his weight is very fow
and is very easy to carry, also it is very confortable. If we are
going to talk about his batery. I can say you that you can use the
tablet for many hours without problems (arround six hours).
But his storage is a bit limited, more or less 64( Sixty four),
gigabites and is very dificult to Word many programs like office,
Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Or video edition.

The laptop has a lot of performance and is very easy and confortable to Word
with programs the office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Or video edition. His
storage is very nice more or less 500 (five hundred) gigabites. Or many more
like one terabites.
But his weight is more high and his batery sometimes you can use only for 2
hours in general.
My General conclusión
•The Tablet is not as heavy as the laptop.
•The laptop is not as easy to carry as the Tablet.
•The Tablet is not as easy to work many programs like office as the
•The Tablet has less storage than the laptop.
•The Tablet´s battery is less useful than. The laptop´s battery.

That is all my Friends.

Than you very

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