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The term 'bibliography' is often used as if it were
synonymous with 'list of references' and 'works cited'.
There is one difference, however; a bibliography
sometimes includes works used in preparing the text,
although they are not referred to, whereas a list of
references or a works cited list contain all sources that
have been referred to but no other sources.
Although the format of the entries on the list of references varies between
different reference styles and traditions, they contain the elements listed below
(note, however, that not all elements are included in all types of publications):
•Volume / Issue
•Place of publication
•Date of publication
The author of the book/article/etc. is identified by his/her
last name and first name(s) or initial(s), depending on the
reference style used. The authors should always be listed in
the same order as they appear in the source itself.
Sometimes the names are listed in alphabetical order and
sometimes according to the authors' level of contribution; in
the latter case, the name of the main author will be listed
Reference styles differ in the way they reproduce titles,
especially titles of articles. Whereas book and journal titles
are generally capitalized and italicized in English, practices
regarding titles of articles vary: some styles stipulate that
article titles should be capitalized and written within
quotation marks, whereas other styles recommend non-
capitalization and no quotation marks.
Periodical publications, such as scholarly
journals, are published on a regular basis in
instalments that are called issues. A volume
usually consists of the issues published
during one year, but the publication length of
a volume may differ.
Place of publication
When books are included in the reference
list, the place (city) of publication should be
stated. In references to publications from the
US, a two-letter abbreviation of the name of
the state is often added after the name of
the city.
When books are included in the reference
list, the name of the publishing company is
given after the place of publication. If the
company is a university press, the
abbreviation UP (for University Press) is
sometimes used.
If the source is a text within an edited volume
(such as a chapter in an anthology), it should be
listed under the name of the author of the text
used, not under the name of the editor. The
name of the editor should be given in the
bibliographic entry, however. For further
information see appropriate reference style.
Date of publication
Whether it is a book or article, the year of
publication should be included in the
bibliographic post. If there are several editions
and prints, the year of the source that has been
referred to is to be used. Some references styles
ask for edition information too ('2nd ed.', for
Many sources are retrieved electronically and some
reference styles, but not all, require the url (the
Internet address) from which the source was retrieved.
To avoid complicated web addresses in bibliographic
posts, some reference styles now recommend that a
DOI (document object identifier), if applicable, or the
article provider, is given instead of the web address.

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