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MODULE 6 – Bone and Joint Injuries

After completion of this module, the participants shall be able to:

1. Understand basic principles and mechanisms of musculoskeletal


2. Apply basic skills in assessment of musculoskeletal injuries.

3. Understand and apply basic skills on assistance in musculoskeletal


4. Understand and apply basic skills of first aid in musculoskeletal


 The bones, ligaments,
muscles and joints form the
musculoskeletal system.
 All these components
enable us to move and be
 Certain bones protect
internal organs. For
instance – skull protects the
brain, the chest cage
protects the lungs and the
heart etc.

Musculoskeletal System
Soft tissues around bones and joints – muscles, ligaments, tendons
– might be injured in several ways: overstretched tissues, violent or
sudden movements:

 Sprains,
 Strains,
 Torn (partially or completely) muscles, ligaments,
 Bruising of muscles

Soft Tissue Injuries

 Joint injury is an injury in which the bones forming a joint are partially
or completely pulled out of their normal position.

 Joint injuries can be caused by violent strong force driving the bones
into abnormal position, or by violent muscle contraction.

Joint Injuries
(Joint Deformity) (Ligament Torn) stretched)

Deformity Swelling Pain

Joint swelling Discoloration
Constant pain Pain on
Loss of movement movement

Soft Tissue and Joint Injuries

 Fracture is a pathological interruption of the bone’s integrity, caused
by an accident or due to a preexisting pathological status. In other
words, fracture is break or crack in a bone

 Open Fracture occurs when one or more portions of the bone appear
through a wound.

 Closed fracture is when the skin is unbroken.

Pain due to
Closed nerve damage
Fracture bleeding
Soft tissue

Closed fracture
Open becomes open
Blood flow

Types of Fractures
 Intense pain in fractured site / extremity.

 Swelling of soft tissues around injury.

 Bruising of soft tissues close to injured site.

 Deformation of extremity.

 Limited or / and painful movement in injured extremity.

 Open wounds and damage to skin and soft tissues.

Signs of Fracture
Signs of Fracture
Signs of Fracture
 BLEEDING if open fracture

 SHOCK due to pain and


 Infection to wound

 Damage to vessels and


Complications of Fracture
Type of fracture Internal blood loss (mL)

Rib 125
Radius or ulna 250 – 500
Humerus 500 – 750
Tibia or fibula 500 – 1000
Femur 1000 – 2000
Pelvis 1000 – massive

Bleeding in Fractures
When examining extremity – check “DOTS”: Deformities,
Open wounds, Tenderness, Swelling.

First Aid in Bone and Joint Injuries

BEWARE OF: “fancy looking”
extremity, wounds, pain,
swelling of soft tissues,
 Feel the pulse BELOW
location of fracture.
 Sensitivity of extremity
BELOW injury – gently
squeeze or press skin on
extremity below suspected
Ask if the patient can move
fingers on affected extremity

First Aid in Bone and Joint Injuries

 Always remember ABC and Control of BLEEDING.

 Look for signs of severe BLEEDING and SHOCK.

 Move the casualty as less as possible.

 Remove all constricting objects (rings, watches, laces, and


 Immobilize the affected area. Use plenty of soft padding to

comfort injured extremity.

 Apply an ice bag (not on an open wound).

First Aid in Bone and Joint Injuries

Do NOT’s
 DO NOT move casualty unless it is absolutely

 DO NOT try to bring endings of bones together.

 DO NOT touch wound with hands.

 DO NOT apply bandages tightly.

First Aid in Bone and Joint Injuries



 Treat wounds – cover wounds with sterile / clean
dressing. Control bleeding.
 Apply cold pack on the injured place (for closed fractures
 Immobilize extremity – apply SPLINTS.
 Minimize movements in injured extremity.
 Use lots of soft pads to comfort injured extremity

First Aid in Bone and Joint Injuries

 SPLINTING is used to prevent movements in injured extremity,
reduce pain, assure comfort during transportation and handling of
the patient, prevent further damage to injured limb.

 Improvised or commercial splints can be used. Splinting should

be hard enough to provide good support. Various objects could be
used as improvised splints.
Tying legs together is also an improvised method of splinting.

 Always leave the fingertips or toes visible so that you can see and
check blood circulation on splinted limb.

 Try to keep the injured part in its anatomical position.

Healthy extremity can be used for splinting of injured limb. Blanket is used as
padding for comfort.

Blanket can be used

as an improvised

Improvised Splinting
Use of blanket Use of garment

Improvised Splinting
Improvised Splinting
Apply splints on
each side of the
injured extremity.
At least 2 joints –
one above and
another below
injury – must be
Always support
injured extremity
for comfort.

Splinting with Rigid Splints

Secure the
splints on the
extremity with

Do not apply
bandages too
tight – it might
circulation in

Splinting with Rigid Splints

You can use triangular
bandages to secure splint
on the limb.

Apply triangular
bandages above and
below injury.

Always support injured

extremity for comfort.

Splinting with Rigid Splints

Use lots of soft
padding to comfort
injured limb.

Allow the most

comfortable position
for injured extremity
to relieve pain.

Splinting with Rigid Splints

Splinting with Flexible Splints
Splinting with Flexible Splints
Support injured limb, then gently
Slide the flat splint onto forearm.
slide the splint over it.

Splinting with Air Splints

Monitor patient;’s finger tips for
Inflate the splint by mouth. indication of circulation

Splinting with Air Splints

Pelvic Fractures
Fall from height Lateral vehicle impact Fall and landing on one leg

Pelvic Fractures-Mechanism

 Treat wounds – cover wounds with sterile / clean dressing.

Control bleeding.

 Might be life threatening due to possible massive internal


 DO NOT move victim until it is absolutely necessary or

qualified assistance arrives.

 Rapid transportation to hospital.

First Aid in Pelvic Fractures

First Aid in Pelvic Fractures

End of Module 6

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