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 WAMP works only in Windows operating system, whereas XAMPP

is a cross-platform, it works in Windows, Linux, Mac etc.
 Configuring and setting up XAMPP is very easy compared to
 WAMP provides support only for the MySQL and PHP, whereas
XAMPP provides support for MySQL, PHP and Perl
 You can start the process easily in XAMPP but just clicking the
start button, whereas in WAMP there is no such button
 In XAMPP you can add additional features like perl, mercury mail,
file server, and much more, whereas in WAMP you cannot add
any additional features
 XAMPP is simple and lightweight compared to WAMP 

 The word WAMP stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. WAMP will
work only in the Windows system. The best advantage of using WAMP is
that the set configuration is very easy. The key elements representing
WAMP is Operating System, web server, database, and programming
 This software works in windows operating system, then the Apache web
server that runs in windows, the MySQL database is used to store the
content of your website, and the process to connect all this using the
scripting language PHP. This package is called the stack server. 
 It comes with a combined package. You can just install it in your drive,
starting up with the necessary services. This local server is very useful for
web developer to develop and test their website, before making it live.
Seems to a wonderful tool for WordPress developers. At any time they can
start working with it even in offline.   

 The word XAMPP stands for Cross-platform, Apache,

MariaDB(MySQL), PHP, and Perl. It is a free open source platform.
This software works in cross-platform like windows, linux, Mac
etc. Apache is a web server helps to carry your content through
the internet. 
 Then MariaDB is a database used to store your content, it is
updated version of MySQL. Then PHP and Perl are scripting
languages, where PHP is a server side scripting language and Perl
is used to develop web applications. XAMPP is considered as one
of the lightweight local server and very easy to setup and use. 
 This local server includes features such as Filezilla, mercury mail,
supporting Perl and much more. With the help of this server, you
can easily perform testing without any issues. Since it is open
source anyone can download it on their system and start
 With XAMPP you can test your website how much ever times you
want before making it live. It seems to be like an important tool
for any WordPress web developers to develop and test their
website before making it live. 

 The full form of LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, Mysql, and PHP. It
is an open source platform and works on the Linux operating
system. It uses Apache web server, MySQL relational database
management system, and PHP object-oriented scripting
language. Since this platform has four layers, it can also be called
a LAMP stack. It is highly secured working with Linux OS. The
LAMP is easy to code with PHP. It is a cheap and ubiquitous
hosting platform. Instead of only serving static HTML pages, a
LAMP server can generate dynamic web pages that run PHP code
and load data from a MySQL database.

 The full form of MAMP stands for Mac, Apache, Mysql, and PHP.
MAMP is an open source platform and it works on Mac operating
system. As the above local server, MAMP uses Apache web
server, Mysql relational database management system, and PHP
object-oriented language. It gives you all the tools that you run
WordPress on your machine, for the purpose of development and
testing. You can install this in Mac or Windows-based PC.

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