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Miss Dean's Classroom

Alexandria Dean
EDU 214 – Spring 2019
Dr. Flowers
Always show respect for everyone in the class. Treat
people the way you want to be treated.

Remember that in order to have a successful classroom, everyone

needs to feel safe and accepted!

Respect all classmates and teachers!

Don't talk when someone else is talking. Wait your turn!

Waiting your turn goes along with respecting others!

Come to class with all needed materials.

In order to be successful in class, you need to have all the materials

needed for class! If you don't have pencils, paper, pens, etc. you can't
complete the assignments needed to be successful!
When in doubt, always ask questions!

The most important thing is that you succeed! If you don't understand
something, PLEASE let me know!!
Thoroughly attempt a question or
problem before asking a question
Don't just assume that people will do the work for you. Before asking
for help, doing everything you know how to AND try to keep going! If
you still don't understand, then ask!
Come to class regularly and not be tardy.

Being in class is crucial to your success! If you're not in class, you miss
important information that you'll need to know to be success in this

This Photo by Unknown author is

licensed under CC BY-ND.
Stay on task!

Staying on task helps you stay successful! Getting distracted keeps

your focus from your assignments
Students will also obey all district
and school rules
Remember that just because you're in a classroom doesn't mean that
you don't have to follow school rules!
Have a positive attitude!
Don't get discouraged when you don't understand something! Keep
trying. I'm here to help you succeed! Use all the tools provided to you

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Positive Videos 
remember to
stay positive!

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