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Complete the following

• Hunting is to a tiger as
_________ is for people.
• Key is to a lock as
password is to a
• Ground is to a penguin, sky
is to an __________
• Time is to a watch as
__________ is to the sun.
• Moon is to the night as the
__________ is to the day
• Hunting is to a tiger as working is
for people.
• Key is to a lock as password is to a
mobile phone.
• Ground is to a penguin as sky is to
an eagle.
• Time is to a watch as light is to the
• Moon is to the night as the sun is to
the day.
• the likeness or similarity
between things that are
otherwise unlike
• Analogy is the comparison of
two pairs which have the same
relationship but different
• An analogy is a comparison in
which an idea or a thing is
compared to another thing that is
quite different from it.
• It aims at explaining that idea or
thing by comparing it to
something that is familiar.
• Metaphors and similes are
tools used to draw an
• Therefore, analogy is more
extensive and elaborate than
either a simile or a metaphor.
• “Structure of an atom is like a
solar system. Nucleus is the
sun and electrons are the
planets revolving around their
• Lyrics is to a lyricist as music is to a
• Anti-virus software is to a computer
as vaccines are to a newborn.
• Angels are to heaven as devils are to
• Pen is to paper as keyboard is to the
computer monitor.
• Polar bears are to Arctic areas of the
earth, camels are to the deserts of
the world.
Drill Practice
• Baby is to adult as ______ is to dog
• Kitchen is to cooking as _____ is to
• Word is to sentence as page is to
• Three is to triangle as _____ is to
• Cow is to barn as elephant is to
Examples of Analogy from
Everyday Life
• Life is like a race. The one who
keeps running wins the race and
the one who stops to catch a
breath loses.
• Just as a sword is the weapon of
a warrior, a pen is the weapon of
a writer.
• How a doctor diagnoses
diseases is like how a detective
investigates crimes.
• Just as a caterpillar comes out of
its cocoon, so we must come out
of our comfort zone.
• You are as annoying as nails on
a chalkboard.
Exercise: Complete the
following phrases.
1. Author is to story as _____ is to
2. Creek is to river as hill is to
3. Pen is to _____ as brush is to
4. Small is to petite as _____ is to
5. Panel is to ______ as pane is to
6. Glove is to hand as monitor is to
7. Obeying is to a servant as ordering
is to a _____
8. Go is to green as _____ is to stop
9. Wheel is to _____ as Tire is to car
10. Toe is to foot as finger is to
Quiz: Complete the following phrases by
choosing the correct pair.
• There was a world of laughter
between them and in them.
• Crickets chirped from their homes
in the cracks in the banks.
• Father gave instructions to pass
the Waig into the fields instead of
the Camino Real.
• Labang’s white coat , which I had
washed and brushed, glistened
like beaten cotton.
Noun Complements
• words or group of words used
to modify a noun in the
Forms of Noun Complements
1. Prepositional Phrase
• a phrase that begins with a
preposition and ends with a noun or
pronoun called object of the
• The bouquet of roses arrived this
2. Infinitive Phrase
• an infinitive with a modifier or a
complement, all acting together as a
single part of speech
• The person to ask about is James.
• the form of the verb that comes after
the to and acts as a noun, adjective
or adverb
• formed by to + main form of the verb
3. Clause (Adjective Clause)
• group of word with its own subject
and predicate that modifies a noun
• The boy, who opened the door, is my
younger brother.
Identify the noun complements in
the following sentences.
1. The acrobat with the blue eyes
2. The person to contact is the dean.
3. This is the time when I like to read.
4. The dressmaker who shortened my
skirt is very reasonable.
5. This is the best book to consult.
6. The fire truck from the station left
Underline the noun complements in
the following sentences.
1. She wrote the story that won the first
2. The front steps of many houses are
white marble.
3. The recipe to try is on the package
4. His greatest wish, to fly, was never
5. Have you visited the plaza where
the statue was located?
6. The book that you wanted is no
longer in print.
7. Put these papers on top of my desk.
8. Our plan, to reach Manila in the
afternoon, is quite impossible.
9. The person to ask about the project
left already.
10. It was the old watch of my friend.
Assignment: Copy/Paste a
copy of the song, Sky Sown
with Stars on your activity
notebook. Then, underline all
the noun complements used.

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