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Kasus !

Terapi Cairan pada Pasien Dengue

Hemorraghic Fever (DHF)

Sri Putri Wulandari (I4C018058)

Deni Agustin Wulandari (I4C018066)
Ana Andarwiyati (I4C018077)
Hardianti (I4C018075)
Luh Wahyu Tri Pangeling (I4C018079)
• Nn. Ani 30 thn, BB 50 Kg. MRS lemah, demam malam hari, nyeri
otot, bintik bintik merah, ektrimitas dingin
• Suhu 39,5oC, TD 110/95 mmHg, Nadi 100 x/menit, Nafas
Kebutuhan Cairan
Kebutuhan cairan harian 30 - 50 ml/kgBB. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebanyak:
Minimal 30 mL x 50 kg = 1500 mL/50 kgBB
Maksimal 50 mL x 50 kg = 2500 mL/50 kgBB

Demam +12 % per derajat C di atas 37,5oC

Pasien mengalami demam, tiap kenaikan 1 derajat kebutuhannya
meningkat 12%. Pasien mengalami peningkatan 2 derajat sehingga
kenaikannya menjadi :
1500 ml/50 kgBB x 24% = 360 mL
= 1500 mL + 360 mL
= 1860 mL/24 jam
1860 mL x 20/ 24 x 60 = 26 tpm
Jadi, kebutuhan cairan pasien dalam 24 jam adalah 1860 mL (26 tpm)
Terapi Cairan

Rekomendasi :
Cairan kristaloid NaCl 5-10 ml/kg/jam karena
pasien mengalami penurunan Natrium dan
mendapat transfusi PRC.
Daftar Pustaka
Acharya, C. A., & Bajaj, J. S. (2015). Covert and overt hepatic encephalopathy: current options for diagnosis and
treatment. Current Hepatology Reports, 14(3), 234-242.
Depkes RI, 2007, Pharmaceutical care Untuk Penyakit Hati, Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI.
KDOQI, 2002, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluasi, Clasification and Stratification,
National Kidney Foundation, New York
Leise, M. D., Poterucha, J. J., Kamath, P. S., & Kim, W. R. (2014, February). Management of hepatic encephalopathy in
the hospital. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 241-253). Elsevier.
NKF, 2016, Best Practice in Managing Hyperkalemia in Chronic Kidney Foundation, New York.
Pani, et al., 2014, Hyperkalemia in Hemodialysis Patients, Clinical Consequences of Hyperkalemia, 27 (6) : 571-576
Rose, C. F. (2012). Ammonia‐lowering strategies for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical Pharmacology &
Therapeutics, 92(3), 321-331.
Tiuca N, Sztogrin W, 2011, The News of Treatment of Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Journal of Medicine and
Life Vol. 4, Issue 4, October‐December 2011, pp.395‐398
Vilstrup, H., Amodio, P., Bajaj, J., Ferenci, P., Mullen, K. D., Weissenborn, K., dan Merriman, R. B. (2014). Hepatic
encephalopathy in chronic liver disease: 2014 practice guideline by the European Association for the Study of the
Liver and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Journal of hepatology, 61(3), 642-659.

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