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Mendel's Hypothesis
◦ Each trait is determined by pairs of discrete physical units (now called genes)
◦ Pairs of genes separate from each other during gamete formation (Law of
◦ There may be two or more alternative forms of a gene (alleles)
◦ Sometimes one allele (called the dominant allele) can mask the expression of the
other (recessive) allele
◦ True-breeding organisms have two of the same alleles (homozygotes), hybrids have
two different alleles (heterozygotes)
◦ Which member of a pair of genes becomes included in a gamete is determined by
chance (Law of Independent Assortment).
Punnett Square
◦ An easy way to visualize what happens in a Mendelian cross is to use a
Punnett square.
◦ It is named after Reginald C. Punnett, who devised the approach.
Monohybrid Cross
Dihybrid Cross

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