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Group 5
Hammond Jonh Kenrick
Laureta Aries
Laysico Charles
Oriondo Myk Wayne
Sanchez Crista Palaban
Valerio Mark Allen
01 Pablo Neruda

02 Jorge Luis Borges


03 Juan Rulfo

04 Gabriel Garcia Marques

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, better
known by his pen name and, later, legal name
Pablo Neruda, was a Nobel Prize winning
Chilean poet-diplomat and politician.

Born: 12 July 1904, Parral, Chile

Died: 23 September 1973, Santiago, Chile

Awards: Nobel Prize in Literature, Lenin Peace

Prize, MORE
His Major Works

Twennty Love Poems And Cien Sonetos De Amor Memoirs

a Song Despair
Twenty Love Poems a Song
Of Despair (1924)
Pretty much any of Pablo
Neruda’s poetry collections
could have ended up on this
list, but this one in particular
stands out as the one that
finally piqued critical attention.
Considered one of the
greatest poets in the Spanish
language, his push into the
literary consciousness was
published when he was only
19. At the time, mainstream
audiences considered the
overt, unapologetic sexuality
contained within the
collection something
Acevedo KBE was an
Argentine short-story
writer, essayist, poet and
translator, and a key figure
in Spanish-language and
universal literature.

Born: 24 August 1899,

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Died: 14 June 1986,

Geneva, Switzerland

Awards: Miguel de
Cervantes Prize, MORE
The Aleph
In spanish ( El Aleph,

The Library of Babel

The Book of The Sand
In Spanish ( El Libro De Arena)
His Major In Spanish ( La Bibilioteca
De Babel)

most famous stories, as part of the Ficciones collection. “The Library of
Babel” posits a universe in the form of a library made out of connected
hexagonal rooms, each room filled with books and the barest necessities
for life. Each book contains 410 pages, with 40 lines of 80 letters each.
There are 25 letters and punctuation marks in the alphabet.

The Library contains every possible combination of those letters. In this

library, you can find an incomprehensible number of hexagonal rooms
with a specific number of books: Books that contain all knowledge of the
universe. But here is the catch: All this knowledge is mixed with utter

The library contains every sentence you have ever said or will say in
future, It contains every book ever written or will be written, It contains
the first words you ever said and last words you will say, it contains
secrets to the universe and unfortunately or fortunately, it contains a lot of
Juan Rulfo
• Juan Nepomuc eno Carlos Pérez Rulfo
Vizcaíno , best known as Juan Rulfo, was a
Mexica n writer, screenwrite r and
photographer. He is best known for two
literar y works, El Llano en llamas, a
collectio n of shor t stories, and the 1955
novel Pedro Páramo.

• Born: 16 May 1917, San Gabriel, Mexico

• Died: 7 Januar y 1986, Mexico City, Mexico

• Awards: Princess of Asturias Award for

Literature, MORE
His major works
Pedro Páramo is a novel written by
Juan Rulfo about a man named
Juan Preciado who travels to his
recently deceased mother's
hometown, Comala, to find his
father, only to come across a literal
ghost town─populated, that is, by
spectral figures.
Gabriel José de la Concordia García
Márquez was a Colombian novelist,
short-story writer, screenwriter and
journalist, known affectionately as
Gabo or Gabito throughout Latin

Born: 6 March 1927, Aracataca,


Died: 17 April 2014, Mexico City,


Short stories: A Very Old Man with

Enormous Wings, MORE
A Ve r y O l d M a n w i t h E n o r m o u s W i n g s

The Handsomest Drowned Man

in the World

one hundred years of solitude

In “A Very Old Man with Enormous
Wings,” García Márquez makes use of
several highly inventive diversions from
the basic story line to make interpretation
even more elusive. In these narrative
diversions theme and technique become
inseparably intertwined. Although the old
man/angel is central to the story, and
every event bears on him, his appearance,
behavior, identity, fate, or effects, the
attention focused on the old man is
frequently interrupted by shifts of focus to
other characters, who are sometimes
named and described at length. The
obtrusiveness of the narrator, who is both
at one with and apart from the other
characters, also functions to distract the

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