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Properties in PRPC

 All PRPC applications capture, store, process, and

display data that is saved as properties.

 The properties used for a persistent object are stored in

the database.

 A user or PRPC application creates a work item,

retrieves it from the database and brings it into memory
to update the data
• The work item's properties correspond to
"fields", or in many situations, to relational
database columns.
 Properties are found in the Data Model category in the
Application Explorer.
Property Names - Best
 Use whole words, instead of an abbreviation, acronym,
or a slang expression.

 Use names that are intuitive or familiar to business

application users. Avoid using technical jargon.

 Use only alphanumeric characters and dash

characters; do not use special characters.

 Start every property name with a letter.

 Use CamelCase for property names, capitalizing the first letter of
each word in the name, such as UseShippingAddress.
 Remember that property names are case sensitive; “emailaddress”
and “EmailAddress” are two distinct properties.
 Do not use @ and $ in a property name even though they are legal
Java identifier characters, as they are not legal characters in a
property name.
 Do not use punctuation marks in a property name, e.g. dashes, dots,
 Do not exceed the 64 character limit. However, if the property is of
mode Single Value and may be useful for searching, the name can
be longer, but should not exceed the maximum column name length
allowed by the software supporting the PegaRULES database.
 Do not create a property using a name that starts with px, py ,
or pz. These prefixes are reserved and identify standard properties,
and should only be used when overriding a standard property in an
 Use distinct, unique property names within an
inheritance path to avoid poor runtime performance.
Instead of using a property named Amount, use more
descriptive names such as PrincipalAmount or
TotalOrderAmount. When creating a property using the
same name as an existing property in the inheritance
path, PRPC presents a warning message and confirms
that want to create the property.

 Don't use a property name that matches a reserved

page name or keyword, such as Top, Parent, Local,
Param, or Primary .
Property Types
 The property type determines the type of data that the
property will contain, the display of the associated
fields and what users can do with them.
 A property type may be scalar or aggregate.
 Single Value Property Types
Example of Single Value property
Aggregate Property Modes
 Aggregate properties provide facilities similar to arrays,
repeating groups, and unordered sets or collections found in
other development tools.
 Property Modes:
 ValueList-A single property that has anordered list of
none, one, or many sequentially numbered strings as
values, indexed by a numeric index (subscript) starting at 1.
 ValueGroup—A single property that has an unordered set
of values of any Type. It may have none, one, or many
values as values, each uniquely identified by a constant string
value as subscript.
 Page—A data structure that holds name-value pairs which
may be contained in memory, or stored in the database. The
system has many types of pages —named pages, unnamed
pages, embedded pages, parameter pages, and so on. A page
may have an associated name, a class, and a list of unique names
(with values for each of these names), and messages. In most
cases, the names identify properties defined in the class of the
page. Values may be text, or may themselves be a page or
multiple pages, extending the page data structure.
 PageList—A data structure consisting of an
ordered list of zero or more pages, but the order of
the pages is not significant. Pages are identified by an
integer index (starting with 1) and have sequential
 PageGroup—A data structure may be empty or can
contain one or more pages, but the order of the
pages is not significant. Each page is identified by a
string subscript value.
Thank You 

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