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■ Sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual act, a
request to commit sexual acts, verbal or physical
acts or sexual cues, which make a person feel
offended, humiliated and intimidated.
■ According to the Stop Street Harassment
Organization (2015), catcalling is a verbal crime
that occurs in a public space where a man makes a
comment on the body or tries to tempt a woman
who walks through it.
■ Not only women who are dressed openly are
victims, women who are dressed in closed
also come to feel this sexual harassment.
Often every time a woman goes out of the
house, walks on the side of the road, they
must have gotten catcalling.
■ Discomfort in public spaces, anxiety, low self-
esteem, even depression.
■ Increase public education on sexual harassment.
■ Don’t tolerate the slightest act of sexual
harassment including cat calling.
■ When you see harassment, immediately report
the perpetrator to the authorities

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