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How´s changing the


Sebastián Hari Juárez Soto

Luis Fernando Jacobo Muñoz
Guillermo Torres Mercado
20 years

We shouldn´t waste time thinking about

the future, because it comes too soon…

A. Einstein - 1937

The world will change for the

better, but also at the same time
will change for the worse.


Device that is implanted into the

human brain and conect us with
artificialy intelligence and even
make us control prothesis like
they were part of us.
The temperature will increase severely year to year.
Climate changes
Several species are going to be history.

Too much biomas are going to die, like Amazonas


A lot of cities will sink into the oceans.


The new global first


India Will be a economic leader.

In the next years there is a plan…

2022 Will start the human intergalactic travesy

with a misión to mars.

In the next 20 years is expected that the human

race can be established in the red planet.

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