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How do you imagine the world in 50 years.

1.- I think digital life will continue to be what people make of it. For a better future, humans
must make responsible decisions about their partnership with technology. Digital life will be
tailored to each user.

2.- In 50 years, internet use will be nearly as pervasive and necessary as oxygen. Seamless
connectivity will be the norm, and it may be impossible to unplug.

3.- Internet-enabled technology will help people live longer, healthier lives. Scientific advances
will continue to work the line between humans and machines and artificial Intelligence tools
will take over repetitive, unsafe and physically taxing labor, leaving humans with more time for

4.- Trips to the moon and other planets will be possible. These trips will be carried out with a
system that will adapt to the gravity and atmosphere of each planet.

5.- There will be no organ failure in the future. Organs that are 3D will be produced to change
organs or make them function better.

6.- Flying cars are known to start operating a few years later. High-powered drones are
essential for this to be possible, flying cars and buses will be an indispensable means of

7.- I see several scenarios, and in all of them, people are working. In the first scenario, we
eventually will come to our senses and realize that climate change, crumbling infrastructure,
the demographic inversion, are going to toast our civilization unless we take action.

8.- When it comes to global warming, the Dead Sea will be almost completely dry, almost half
of the Amazon rainforest will have been deforested, forest fires will spread over time, and the
polar caps will be only 60 percent the size they are have now.

9.- The Dead Sea will be almost completely dry, almost half of the Amazon rainforest will have
been deforested, forest fires will spread like, forest fires, and the polar caps will only be 60
percent the size they are now.

10.- The majority of people will live in cities, which will be increasingly more integrated with
nature and plants. It’ll be standard procedure for skyscrapers to have parks and sky gardens
and buildings will be covered in vegetation designed to filter out pollutants.

How do you imagine the world in 10 years.

1.- Whites will be a minority in the United States. The U.S. population will be around 47
percent White, 29 percent Hispanic, 13 percent African-American, and six percent Asian by

2.- Super Hurricanes will become a regular occurrence, which will eventually lead to the
permanent abandonment of New Orleans, Houston, and other cities on the Gulf Coast.

3.- Air travel will be exponentially more awesome. When flights are under-booked, the seats
will automatically shift and rearrange themselves to provide maximum comfort and space for
travelers and you’ll be able to get anywhere on the planet in under two and a half hours.

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4.- We´ll say goodbye to grocery shopping, refrigerators will seamlessly integrate with online

5.- Going into the doctor for a checkup will no longer be necessary. You’ll simply run a scanner
over your body, and the results will be forwarded to a health network.

6.- It's reasonable to see a future where tech will need to be developed to allow for farmland
in unusual places. This concept of high-rise farms in the middle of a city isn't totally out of this

7.- Other robotic technology is being employed to monitor and care for our health. Tiny
microscopic Nanobots could theoretically be deployed to scan and monitor our insides to hunt
out health problems.

8.- We’ll need to cut global greenhouse gas emissions in half, given that emissions are still
rising year to year.

9.- Pollution will be a major threat. All countries will try reducing pollution, plant more trees.

10.- People will eat more and cook less at home. Save time and energy. Everyone will eat their
meals from outside.

How do you imagine the world next year.

1.- Medical science will progress with inventions helping humanity.

2.- The COVID-19 pandemic will have focused the public’s attention on the need to take action
to deal with threats to our way of life, our health and our future.

3.- Quantum computing will have outgrown its infancy, and a first generation of commercial
devices will be able tackle meaningful, real-world problems, one major application of this new
kind of computer will be the simulation of complex.

4.- Almost everything will be online, using the money it will be a worthless piece of paper has
value only online, such as numbers in transactions and in banks.

5.- Overnight, we have seen a sharp increase in delivery services with the need for products
from vendors like Amazon and Instacart, but it has been limited, with 5G networks in place,
directly connected to autonomous bots, products they would be delivered safely within hours.

6.- Construction will become a synchronized sequence of manufacturing processes, delivering

control, change and production at scale.

7.- The energy transition will reach a tipping point, the cost of new-build renewable energy will
be lower than the marginal cost of fossil fuels.

8.- Every surface on Earth carries hidden information that will prove essential for avoiding
pandemic-related crises, both now and in the future.

9.- Privacy and data-centric security will have reached commodity status and the ability for
consumers to protect and control sensitive data assets.

10.- The investment community and the world’s largest enterprise organizations focus on
developing and deploying solutions that will deliver tangible results.

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Negocios Internacionales - UTEG Mtra Ingrid Benitez Espinoza

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