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We used to think many crazy things (like

the Earth being flat and hollow) but which

of these statements is actually false?
 They say that hippo milk is pink.
 They believe that the name Jessica was
created by Shakespeare.
 They reported in2003 that humans share
50% of their DNA with bananas.
 They say that it rains diamonds on Jupiter
and Saturn.
 They think that you lose most of your body
heat through your head.
 They claim that the national animal of
Scotland is the Unicorn.
Try to express these ideas starting
with impersonal “It is/was….”
 It is known that hippo milk is pink.
 It is believed that the name Jessica was
created by Shakespeare.
 It was reported in 2003 that humans share
50% of their DNA with bananas.
 It is said that it rains diamonds on Jupiter
and Saturn.
 It is thought that you lose most of your body
heat through your head.
 It is claimed that the national animal of
Scotland is the Unicorn.
Advanced Passive structures

It + passive+ that clause

Subject +passive+ present/perfect infinitive

 The milk of a female hippo is not actually
pink, but is white or off-white when it comes
out of the nipple. However, it may appear to
be pink at times because hippos secrete two
types of acids that reduce bacteria on the
skin. These acids, called hipposudoric acid
and norhipposudoric acid, also act as
sunscreens to protect the hippo's skin from
the sun. These acids are red and orange in
color, respectively, and when they are
secreted, they may mix with the white milk,
giving it a pink color.
 This name was first used in this form by
Shakespeare in his play 'The Merchant of
Venice' (1596), where it belongs to the
daughter of Shylock. Shakespeare
probably based it on the biblical name
ISCAH, which would have been spelled
Jescha in his time.
 Banana: more than 60 percent
Many of the “housekeeping” genes that
are necessary for basic cellular function,
such as for replicating DNA, controlling
the cell cycle, and helping cells divide are
shared between many plants (including
bananas) and animals.
 Scientists believe that on Jupiter and
Saturn, it rains diamonds. New
atmospheric data for the gas giants
indicates that carbon is abundant in its
dazzling crystal form, the BBC reports. ...
These diamond “hail stones” eventually
melt into a liquid sea in the planets' hot
cores, they told a conference.
 Even the U.S. Army Field Manual used to
claim "40 to 45 percent of body heat" is
lost through the head, but it is simply not
true, according to the British Medical
Journal. This heat-loss myth probably
came from experiments in the 1950s,
when military researchers exposed
subjects to frigid temperatures.
 With Scotland being famed for its love for
and long history of myths and legends, it
is no surprise that a fabled creature such
as the unicorn is Scotland's national
animal. Unicorns have been linked to
Scotland for centuries.

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