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Synthesis Essay

English Literary Studies

What is a Synthesis Essay?
● To SYNTHESIZE means to assemble parts into a new whole.

● The parts are of different sources, each representing a distinct view or views on
a particular topic.

● The “whole” of your essay is when you explain your position, considering views
from the sources that show both sides of the issue.

● A synthesis essay is similar to a persuasive essay, in that, you make a claim and
persuade your reader. The difference is: you use data stored in the sources to
back up your claim, rather than discussing your own experiences.
Thesis Statement
● Your Synthesis Essay MUST have a strong and clear thesis statement

● Everything that you write in your essay, must refer back to your thesis

If you aren’t trying to prove your thesis statement… What are you doing?

Do Not Summarize

● Avoid summarizing the sources in the body of your essay, summary is not
● You MAY introduce and briefly summarize your sources in the introductory

Remember: Summary of the sources is not an argument!

Be Original
● You are “synthesizing” your view of the issue with the evidence in the sources.
● You have to be original

● Do not look to outside sources

● I want to know what you think

● I want to know what the are connections that you found

between texts!
Qualification is OK. Equivocation is not. OK.

Qualification: You take a side, but you do so with

reservations, concerns, or exceptions.

Equivocation: You don’t take a side. You discuss

both sides and decide that they’re equal.


Of course, you should use quotations! AT LEAST 3, MAXIMUM OF 6.

Refer to your “Integrating Quotations” guide to assist you with this.

Sample Prompts for Synthesis
● Compare /contrast the theme of death in “ Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe and “Do not go gentle into
that good night” by Dylan Thomas.

● Assess which passage, “Breaking Through Uncertainty—Welcoming Adversity” or “Neighbours,”

demonstrates the greater benefit derived from taking risks. You must discuss both passages in your

● Compare and contrast the ships in “The Cargo Hulks” and the Asian Tiger in “Breaking Ships.” You must
refer to both passages in your essay.

** These prompts are taken from previous English 12 Final Provincial Exams**
Sample Synthesis: Let’s do this together
● Topic: Compare /contrast the thirst for power in Macbeth and “A Serious Talk.”

Snappy title: “Power and Violence: A Struggle Between Men”

How would you start your INTRODUCTION?

● Hook – engage your reader

● Provide background information: 1-2 sentences that sum up the two stories
● Raise the specific issue – power = violence
● Thesis statement – ”People who strive for control and power will resort to
violent actions.”
What is your first body paragraph about?
(Compare the two texts - similarities)

• Wants to have ultimate control and power over • Wants to have ultimate control over Vera/their
others relationship
• Resorts to violent actions towards people – • Resorts to violent actions against objects – cut
killing of several characters the phone cord
What is your second body paragraph going to
be about? (Contrast the texts; differences)

• Violent actions towards people • Violent thoughts towards

• Violence grants him security for people
awhile, but then the guilt sets in • Burt does not appear guilty for
• Easily influenced by other what he has done
characters – Lady Macbeth, • Is not influenced by substances
The 3 Witches (alcohol) not people
Synthesis Paragraph (3rd body paragraph)
Answer these questions in this section: (THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE SYNTHESIZING)

1. What does what you have explored in the previous two paragraphs say about the human
condition? Human nature?

2. Example: What can you assume “the power hungry and violence “ says about how humans
act/think, etc.?

● Your discussion in this paragraph, should cycle back to your thesis and support your
argument. Example thesis:”People who strive for control and power will resort to violent

● You could also spend some time discussing your counter argument: “Not all people resort
to violence to gain power.” Provide examples from the texts - Banquo for example in
Macbeth and Vera in “A Serious Talk”.
Conclusion: Paragraph

1. Restate your thesis

2. Summary of the main points

3. Leave the reader thinking about your views with an intreguing “take-away
Now it is your turn!
● See the “Synthesis” Assignment Handout

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