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Communication Strategy

• Communication strategy is the scheme of

planning how to share information.
Communication strategy is referred to the
choice of the most useful objectives of
communication, and recognition of a particular
brand and its strategy in terms of attitude.
Communication Strategy
• Every body wants build a successful communication
strategy, but its not as easy as we think so. As we
know that communication is the exchange of
information between two parties i.e. sender and
receiver. So for communication, one has to worry
about the effective ways of communication.
Communication Strategy
• Communication is the exchange of
information between a sender and a receiver. It
used to be that you only had to worry about the
way you communicated face-to-face or on
paper. However, Communication strategies
are the blueprints for how this information will
be exchanged.

• Communication strategies can be ,

Verbal, Non-Verbal, or Visual.
Integrating all the strategies together
will allow you to see the most success.
• Verbal communication strategies can be broken down into the
two categories of written and oral communication.
• Nonverbal communication strategies consist of mostly visual
cues, such as body language, facial expressions, physical
distance between communicators, or the tone of your voice.
• Visual communication strategies can be seen through signs,
webpages, and illustrations. These strategies are used in the
workplace to draw attention and provide documentation.
Significance of
Communication Strategy
• Elements needed
First of all, the organization has to set an aim to know
what they are willing to do for public. For example, there is a
company that aims to work for the betterment of families in
order to create a successful community. For a prosperous
organization the first step is to set their goals and people get
attracted to a catchy motto.
Factors of Communication Strategy
• Goals and self checks
These two factors are interlinked and completely rely on
each other. The goals set by the organization are actually the
ideas of the organization that it has put forth, it should be
checked constantly. Before taking a start the organization has
to understand its audience whom they are trying to
approach, as it will cause a great loss if the organization
reaches the wrong audience.
Factors of Communication Strategy
• Goals and self checks
These two factors are interlinked and completely rely on
each other. The goals set by the organization are actually the
ideas of the organization that it has put forth, it should be
checked constantly. In case of nonprofit companies, it is very
important to know how the company has to utilize their
resources, because these companies are not financially very
strong. To take a start every company needs to be financially
strong. sources in terms of finance.
Significance of
Communication Strategy
• Community strategies are very frequent as every organization
has its own method to illustrate their goals to the public.
Without developing any strategy the company will not be able
to approach as much audience as it desires. If the company is
spending time to evaluate their messages, it would be the best
approach to develop an effective communication strategy. This
will be an assurance that the time spent in developing the
strategy is not wasted and has helped to convey message to the

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