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Department of Education

Region V – Bicol
Malasugui Labo, Camarines Norte


Position: TEACHER I

QUARTER 1: Strategies in Developing Reading comprehension

(October 14, 2022)
REFLECTIONS GAINED The LAC (Language and Communication) session provided
FROM THE LAC SESSION: valuable insights into "Strategies in Developing Reading
Comprehension." The discussion centered on the crucial role
of reading comprehension in understanding and retaining
information from written texts. Participants explored evidence-
based strategies to enhance reading comprehension skills in
learners. Emphasis was placed on teaching active reading
techniques, such as making predictions, asking questions,
and summarizing key points. Participants also discussed the
significance of building vocabulary and background
knowledge to improve comprehension. Additionally, the
session highlighted the importance of scaffolding, where
educators gradually support students in understanding
complex texts and gradually releasing responsibility as their
skills develop. The use of graphic organizers, close reading
activities, and discussions to deepen understanding were also
explored. Overall, the session underscored the need for
engaging, differentiated instruction that meets the diverse
needs of learners and empowers them to become proficient,
critical readers capable of comprehending and analyzing a
wide range of texts.
QUARTER 2: Basic Steps in teaching reading
(Integration of Different Approach)
(November 11, 2022)
REFLECTIONS GAINED The LAC (Language and Communication) session provided
FROM THE LAC SESSION: valuable insights into the "Basic Steps in Teaching Reading"
with a focus on the integration of different approaches. The
session emphasized the importance of adopting a
comprehensive and flexible approach to cater to diverse
learning styles and abilities. Participants explored a multi-
faceted strategy that included phonics instruction, sight word
recognition, and language comprehension. It was highlighted
that building a strong foundation in phonics is essential for
decoding words and developing fluency. At the same time,
sight words were recognized as crucial for reading commonly
used words with automaticity. The session also underscored
the significance of fostering language comprehension through
interactive read-aloud sessions, discussions, and critical
thinking activities. Participants discussed the integration of
technology and digital resources to enhance engagement and
support learning. Overall, the session emphasized the need
for teachers to combine various research-based
methodologies and tailor their instruction to meet individual
students' needs, creating a well-rounded reading program
that equips learners with the skills and confidence to become
proficient and lifelong readers.
QUARTER 3: Understanding and Addressing Learner Diversity
(December 9,2022)
REFLECTIONS GAINED During the LAC (Language and Communication) session, a
FROM THE LAC SESSION: profound discussion centered around "Understanding and
Addressing Learner Diversity." The session emphasized the
significance of recognizing and embracing the diverse
strengths, needs, and backgrounds of learners within
educational settings. Participants explored the concept of
inclusive education, which seeks to provide equal
opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities,
learning styles, or cultural backgrounds. The session
highlighted the importance of promoting a positive and
respectful learning environment, where every student feels
valued and supported. It was acknowledged that teachers
must be mindful of individual differences and adapt their
instructional approaches to cater to various learning
preferences. Additionally, participants discussed the use of
differentiated instruction, flexible assessment methods, and
varied learning materials to accommodate diverse learners
effectively. Collaborative efforts between educators, parents,
and support staff were also emphasized to provide a holistic
approach to addressing learner diversity. By fostering a
culture of empathy, understanding, and inclusion, educators
can create an enriching educational experience that
celebrates the uniqueness of each learner and nurtures their
full potential.
QUARTER 4: Understanding the role of assessment in learning.
(May 12, 2023)
REFLECTIONS GAINED During the LAC (Language and Communication) session, the
FROM THE LAC role of assessment in learning was thoroughly explored and
SESSION: discussed. The session emphasized that assessment is a
fundamental aspect of the education process, playing a
crucial role in monitoring students' progress, identifying
strengths and areas of improvement, and informing
instructional decisions. Participants recognized the
importance of both formative and summative assessments in
providing valuable insights into student learning. Formative
assessments, such as quizzes, class discussions, and
informal observations, were highlighted for their ability to offer
ongoing feedback and guide instructional strategies. On the
other hand, summative assessments, like standardized tests
and end-of-term evaluations, were acknowledged for their
role in measuring overall student achievement and program
effectiveness. The session underscored the need for using a
balanced and comprehensive assessment approach that
aligns with educational goals and values the diverse
strengths and abilities of learners. Additionally, participants
explored the ethical implications of assessment and the
importance of maintaining a fair and unbiased evaluation
process. By understanding the role of assessment in learning
and utilizing it as a tool for continuous improvement,
educators can create a supportive learning environment that
maximizes student success and fosters a culture of
continuous growth and development.

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