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Human Flourishing as

Reflected in Progress
and Development
At the end of this chapter, you
must have:
 Critiqued human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of
science and technology;

 Explained Hickel’s paradigm of “development”, and

 Differentiated it from the traditional notions of growth

and consumption
Reading Exercise:
1. What is the main objective of the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations?

2. What is the standardized unit that measures resource

use and waste?

3. What is the standard response to eradicate poverty?

4. What is the threshold of the Earth for adequately

sustaining life?
Reading Exercise…cont.
5. According to the middle- and high-income countries,
what puts the planet and society at risk?

6. How many hectares should each of us consume

annually based on the resource available in the planet?

7. What are two indicators of the quality of life given in the

Reading Exercise…cont.
8. What crisis in the planet would force us to slow down if
we do not do so voluntarily?
9. According to Hickel, what must be done instead of
urging poor countries to “catch up” with rich ones?
10. How would the different areas of the world react to the
idea of “de-development”?

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