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Critical reading is an active process

of discovery.- Gary Goshgarian

Critical reading is an active process
of discovery.- Gary Goshgarian
Map out your answers by
writing words/phrases that you
associate with critical reading,
active, and process of discovery.
Write as many words as you can.

Discuss your answers.

How would you react on the following
 Girls most likely do well in

academics during high school years

but boys get ahead in college.

 Female teenagers are more

concerned with their physical
appearance than male teenagers.
If you question the validity
of the statements by asking
the person to give the basis
for his/her assertions, then
you are one step closer to
becoming a critical reader.
What is critical reading?

 It involves scrutinizing any information

that you read or hear.
 Not easily believing information offered to
you by a text.
 Critical reading is an active process of
discovery because when you read critically
you are not just receiving information but
also making an interaction with the writer.
Ways to help you become a
critical reader
1. Annotate what you read
- One of the ways to interact with the writer is to
write on the text.
-You can underline, circle, or highlight words,
phrases or sentences that contan important
details, or you can write marginal notes asking
questions or commenting on the ideas of the
-You can create your own style of annotating
2. Outline the text

Outline- it is a useful tool in

writing because it allows you to
organize your thoughts and
identify areas to be included in
your write-up.
In order to fully engage in a
dialogue with the text or with the writer
of the text, you need to identify the
main points of the writer and list them
down so you can also identify the ideas
that the writer has raised to support
his/her stand.
Kinds of outline
1. Cluster/Semantic Map/Web
- main topic is placed at the center and
related words are identified and
2. Venn Diagram
- used in comparing and contrasting
two entities
Outline Formats
1. Traditional Outline- composed of
Roman numerals, numbers, and
2. Modern Outline- made of
numbers and decimals
(mixing the two formats is not
Traditional Outline
I. Preliminary Period
A. Definition of Organizational
B. Directions of Information Flow
C. Organizational Roles
1. As an individual
2. As groups
II. Midterm Period
A. Oral Communication Approaches
1. Traditional
2. Contemporary
B. Recent processes in Oral
C. Cureent Issues, Perspectives, and
Modern Outline
1. Preliminary Period
1.1. Definition of Organizational
1.2. Directions of Information Flow
1.3. Organizational Roles
1.3.1. As an individual
1.3.2. As groups
2. Midterm Period
2.1. Oral Communication
2.1.1. Traditional
2.1.2. Contemporary
2.2. Recent Processes in Oral
2.3. Current Issues, Perspectives and

Read the selection

carefully and write an outline
using any of the formats.
Julie is one person with ordinary hobbies. She
loves to read a lot. Among her favorite reading
materials are storybooks, newspaper, and funny
She loves to watch television especially the
telenovelas at night like Super D, Dolce Amore,
and Probinsyano.
And of course, she loves to eat. Her favorite
foods are cakes, bread, and sisig.
Julie's life simply revolves within these hobbies.
It may be very simple and ordinary but she said
she's finding happiness and contentment in them.
Julie is one person with
ordinary hobbies. She loves to
read a lot. Among her favorite
reading materials are
storybooks, newspaper, and
funny comics.
She loves to watch
television especially the
telenovelas at night like
Super D, Dolce Amore,
and Probinsyano.
And of course, she loves
to eat. Her favorite foods
are cakes, bread, and
Julie's life simply revolves
within these hobbies. It
may be very simple and
ordinary but she said she's
finding happiness and
contentment in them.

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