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Runaway and Homeless

Sam Kerr, Gabriela Chavez, Stephanie Brioux, Sydney Mank
November 19, 2019
Runaway and Homeless Youth Definition
Homeless Youth Definition: An individual that is no older than 21 years old and
has no possibility to live in a safe environment with a relative or who have no safe
living arrangement. This includes a population that is unaccompanied by parents,
family, or caregivers of any kind.

Runaway Youth Definition: Any youth of under 21 years old that runs away from
home without parental/guardian consent and stay away for more than one night.
Specifically, a runaway youth that is 14 years or younger leaves home for one
night minimum or two or more nights when they are 15 years or older.

(US Department of Education, 2019)

● Specific demographics of runaway and homeless youth is unknown because
of their residential mobility.
● Census information may be inaccurate because this population may be
reluctant to disclosing information on running away from home or being
● Research studies have been conducted that show a point-in-time (PIT) when
youth ran away or were homeless and data showed:
○ In 2017, 41,000 youth under 21 years old were found running away from home and 9,436
youth under 18 were found homeless.
● Voice of Youth study showed:
○ 700,000 youths under 17 years old had experienced homelessness in one year
○ 3.5 million young adults 18-21 years old experienced homelessness in one year

(Congressional Research Service, 2018)


(Congressional Research Service, 2018)

Social Determinants of Health
● Safe Housing
○ Many youth who runaway almost never have a place to go and resort to homelessness
(Congressional Research Service, 2018)
○ 72% of individuals who are homeless have also couch surfed (Missed Opportunities: Youth
homelessness America, 2018)
● Economic Stability
○ 80% of individuals who run away leave home with little to no money (Missed Opportunities:
Youth homelessness America, 2018)
● Lack of Education
○ 45% of homeless and runaway youth do not have a high school diploma (Missed
Opportunities: Youth homelessness America, 2018)
○ 3.5 times more likely to dropout of school (Missed Opportunities: Youth homelessness
America, 2018)
Health Disparity of Runaway and Homeless Youth

● Rate of Sexual Assault

○ Females who are a part of the runaway and homeless youth are 7 times more likely to be
raped or sexually assaulted during their time of homelessness.
○ Higher rates of teen pregnancy among these females as well
● Substance Abuse
○ 90% of homeless youth end up in criminal/violent related activity
○ Increased exposure to substances such as street drugs and alcohol at an early age.

(Missed Opportunities: Youth homelessness America, 2018)

(Family and Youth Services Bureau, 2019)

Health Care Disparity of Runaway and Homeless
● Lack of access to healthcare
○ Runaway youth are 5x more likely to be experiencing behavioral health related issues that go
untreated or ignored.
○ Homeless youth and runaway youth do not have access to healthcare after all disconnection
from family is lost.

(Family and Youth Services Bureau, 2019)

Nursing Intervention
● Health Teaching
○ Create health education websites and flyers to post in foster care, shelters, and schools
regarding programs available to this population.
○ Runaway and homeless youth are a population that tend to use their resources that are readily

Kulik, D. M., Gaetz, S., Crowe, C., & Ford-Jones, E. L. (2012). Homeless youth's overwhelming health burden: A review of the literature. Paediatrics
& child health, 16(6), e43–e47. doi:10.1093/pch/16.6.e43
Congressional Research Service (2018). Runaway and homeless youth: demographics. Retrieved from:

Family and Youth Services Bureau (2019). Youth homelessness overview. Retrieved from:

Kulik, D. M., Gaetz, S., Crowe, C., & Ford-Jones, E. L. (2012). Homeless youth's overwhelming health burden: A review of
the literature. Paediatrics & child health, 16(6), e43–e47. doi:10.1093/pch/16.6.e43

Missed Opportunity: Youth Homelessness Services (2019). Facts and figures about homeless youth. Retrieved from

US Department of Education (2019). Runaway and homeless youth. Retrieved from

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