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Passive voice

By Sari
Resimayani H
Active voice
• The subject of a sentence is the person
or thing we talk about.
• When the subject does something, we
Subject (doer) Active verb ( it can be in diff. tenses)

• E.g.: She eat a cate

Object (receiver)
Passive voice
• It is used when the subject is not the doer
of an action.
• We put the receiver of an action as the
• We put the doer of an action as the object.
Passive verb
Subject ( receiver)
(It can be in diff. tenses) Object (Doer)

• E.g.: A cake is eaten by her

The form of passive voice
-It is formed by: be + past participle ( V3)

Active Passive
Collect Is/are collected
Perform Is/are performed
Decorate Is/are decorated
Light Is/are lit
Sweep Is/are swept
Burn Is/are burnt
1. Simple Present Tense
Aktive : S + Verb 1 + Object
Passive : Subject + Am/Is/Are + Verb 3 + by + Object
Example :
Active : She buys a new bike
Pasisive : A new bike is bought by her
2. Simple Past Tense
Active: S + V2 + O
Passive : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O
Example :
Active : She ate a cake yesterday
Passive : A cake was eaten by her yesterday
3. Present Perfect
Active : S + have + V3 + O
Passive : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
Example :
Aktive : She has eaten a cake
Passive : A cake has been eaten by her

4. Present Continuous Tense

Aktive : S + to be + V-ing + O
Passive : S + to be + being + V3 + O
Example :
Aktive : She is eating a cake
Passive : A cake is being eaten by her

People eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival

Moon cakes are eaten (by people) at Mid-Autumn festival
People sweep graves with brooms at Ching Ming Festival.

Graves are swept with brooms (by people) at Ching Ming Festival.
People buy some flowers
Some flowers ______________.
Are bought

bought bought

Miss Lee paints a picture.
A picture ___________
Is painted by Miss Lee.

Painted Are

Paint Is
The brother make a cake.
Is made by the brother.
A cake ___________

maked Is

Are Is
made make
Mr. and Mrs. Wu bake a cake
cake is baked by Mr. and Mrs. Wu

A cake are baked by Mr. and Mrs. Wu

A cake is baked by Mr. and Mrs. Wu
A cake baked by Mr. and Mrs. Wu
A cake bake by Mr. and Mrs. Wu.
Active : The postman is delivering the mail.
Passive: The mail is being delivered by the postman.

Active : My mother is cooking the friedrices

Passive: The friedrices are being cooked by my

Active : Dina is cleaning the room

Passive: The room is being cleaned by Dina
• Active: We cleaned our house yesterday. (Kami
membersihkan rumah kami kemarin.)
Passive: Our house was cleaned yesterday. (Rumah kami
dibersihkan kemarin.)

• Active: They cancelled all flights because of fog. (Mereka

membatalkan semua penerbangan karena kabut.)
Passive: All flights were cancelled because of fog. (Semua
penerbangan dibatalkan karena kabut.)

• Active: Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in

1998. (Larry Page dan Sergey Brin mendirikan Google pada
tahun 1998.)
• Passive: Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
in 1998. (Google didirikan oleh Larry Page and Sergey Brin
pada tahun 1998.)
• Contoh active:
Duta has removed the files from his computer (Duta
sudah menghapus file-file itu dari komputernya)
• We have created this paper since 1 week ago (Kami
sudah membuat karya ilmiah ini sejak seminggu lalu)
• I have opened and read your letter (Aku sudah
membuka dan membaca suratmu)
• She has named her baby Mario (Dia sudah menamai
bayinya Mario)
• They have picked the flowers from the garden
(Mereka sudah memetik bunga-bunga itu dari kebun)
• Contoh passive:
The files have been removed by Duta from his
computer (File-file itu sudah Duta hapus dari
• This paper has been created by us since 1 week ago
(Karya ilmiah ini sudah kami buat sejak seminggu lalu)
• Your letter has been opened and read by me (Suratmu
sudah aku buka dan baca)
• Her baby has been named by her Mario (Bayinya sudah
dia beri nama Mario)
• The flowers have been picked by them from the garden
(Bunga-bunga itu sudah mereka petik dari kebun)

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