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Ibn Mas`ud (ra) tell us.

He says:

‫من كان منكم مستنا فليستن بمن قد مات‬ ‫أبرها قلوبا‬

Whoever wants to follow a path (mustannan), then let They had the most pious and pure hearts
him follow the path (fa’ l-yastanna) of those who have
passed away.”
‫وأعمقها علما‬
‫فإن الحي ال تؤمن عليه الفتنة‬ the deepest knowledge,

“Because those who are alive have not escaped their trials,
their tribulations, their tests and their fitna.”

‫أولئك أصحاب محمد‬ ‫وأقلها تكلفا‬

“They are the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). the least pretentious.

‫كانوا أفضل هذه األمة‬

They are the best of this Umma.”
‫قوم اختارهم هللا لصحبة نبيه وإقامة دينه‬
They were a people whom Allah chose to be close to His
Prophet and establish His religion in life.

‫فاعرفوا لهم فضلهم واتبعوهم في آثارهم‬

So, come to know them and their excellences and follow
them in what they said
‫وتمسكوا بما استطعتم من أخالقهم ودينهم‬
and hold on to them as much as you can of their morals
and religiosity

‫فإنهم كانوا على الهدى المستقيم‬

because they were all on true guidance and the Straight Path

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