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Text information can be written in script

using Roman alphabet or a different

script that is appropriate to the language
of the reader.
Books for preschool readers often
contain non-text elements like
images or pictures. The images or
picture hep the beginning reader
understand the text.
Books for beginning readers
contain plenty of pictures and use
more artistic style to make each
page attractive.
There are materials intended for
older readers that also contain
non-text elements since they are
necessary to the topic discussed.
Non-text items should complement
the text information. Non-text items
like tables and graphs should have a
text description or caption explaining
what image or graph is about in
relation to the topic.
1. Author. Authors writes stories on a variety
of topics. An author usually writes articles or
stories that are longer, like novel. Also more
associated with scholarly works, such as
writing textbook or a general reference
material. An author also pertains to a writer
whose work has already been published.
2. Writer. A person who is more associated
with the writing literary works such as poems
and short stories. In a newspaper or
magazine, a writer usually writes articles for
lifestyle, feature and entertainment sections.
3. Contributor. Also submits articles on
topics that are of particular interest. Articles
written only run depending on the theme
and/or space available. Contributors which
means that they are freelance and their work
do not appear on a regular basis.
4. Columnist. Someone who writes his opinion,
insights and commentaries about political or social
issues. The articles of a columnist appear on a
regular basis on a particular column in the
newspaper or magazine. Although his is free to
express his opinion, he is expected to follow the
professional code of ethics for journalist.
5. Blogger. A blogger writes personal
opinions about issues or topic that interest
him. But instead of writing a column for a
newspaper or magazine, he share his
reflections, experiences, and activities
through a blog entry.
6. Data Encoder. A person who in in-
charge of encoding the handwritten text
into soft copy, such as MS Word
7. Layout and graphic artist. The author or writer
coordinates with the layout and graphic artist so
that the text corrections on his manuscript are
correctly implemented. Also they can give
instructions to layout and graphic artist on the
technical format of the text including artwork and
design that is appropriate for and complements to
8. Editor. Coordinating with the author or writer,
so that all editorial concerns and queries
pertaining to the content and format of the
manuscript are addressed. Editor’s task is to
coordinate also with the layout and graphic artist
to make sure that all corrections are implemented
for the beginning to the end.
9. Publisher. Responsible for preparing,
acquiring, ad managing a publication, the
publisher is either the owner of the
management. He decides what type of
materials will be published, whether boos,
magazine or newspaper.
1. Fiction. As it pertains to stories that are
imagined or not true, such as fairy tales,
mythologies, and legends. Most works of
fiction is regarded as forms of literature. This
is what makes it creative even though some
of the materials used are based on facts.
2. Nonfiction. As it is based on facts and
reality. Biographies, news and scientific
researches are example of nonfiction works.
These are often found in textbooks,
encyclopedias, periodicals, and journals.
1. The writer chooses a topic that he would
like to write about.
2. The writer gathers information about the
3. The writer makes an outline of the topic
and writes the draft.
4. The writer reviews the draft and
develops it into a full text.
5. The writer submits the article to the
1. Comedy or Humor. Its content is
light and funny. It can make readers
feel good and happy.
2. Tragedy or Drama. Its content
make people cry because it involves
death, pain and suffering. It entails
conflicts which are often difficult to
deal with.
3. Suspense and thriller. In this particular
theme, the reader is challenged to figure out
who is the real villain and protagonist are by
analyzing other characters and how each
scene is connected to establish a plausible
conclusion to solve the mystery behind the
cases he encounters.
4. Horror. The content aims to
arouse overwhelming fear and leave
the reader terrified. The story may
involve malevolent creatures or
being, evil entities, and paranormal.
5. Romance. The content deals with
romantic love. It details the experience,
both trials and triumphs of the people or
couples who are in a romantic
6. Science fiction. The content is
typically based on the imaginative
use of scientific knowledge or
scientific discoveries or conjecture.
7. Historical. The content contains elements
about historical accounts. It can be about the
life of a specific historical figure who was
influential during his time. It can also be
about a particular event on history that made
a huge impact in the world.
8. Autobiography, Biography and Memoir. The
autobiography is an account of a person’s life
which the author wrote about himself. Biography
or memoir is a detailed description of someone’s
life written by another. A person’s life story can be
a good source of information about historical
events according to the experience and
perspective of the person.
9. Inspirational or Self-help. The content
contains topics, articles or stories that may be
based on a true story where the reader can draw
inspiration from. It can be about how a person
succeeded in life despite of previous setbacks.
The content give helpful tips or advice to the
readers on how to deal with issues in a positive
10. Religious. The content contains
topics about God and spirituality,
holy, or religious people, and other
related subjects.
1. Accuracy and factuality. The text
information should be accurate,
based on facts. It should be well
researched and the data should be
based on valid findings.
2. Objectivity. The text information
should not be biased or based on
personal, cultural or any religious beliefs.
If the material mentions groups or sides,
each should be discussed thoroughly
and fairly.
3. Language appropriateness. The
level and kind of language should be
appropriate to its target readers.
4. Curriculum alignment. The
content of the textbook should be
aligned with the prescribed
curriculum and international
5. House style and format. Most books follow the
Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) when it comes to al
editorial concerns like capitalization, punctuation and
citation. For academic papers, they mostly follow
American Psychological Association (APA). For news
paper the follow a particular house style depending on
the news agency they belong to like the Associated
Press (AP), Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Reuters.
1. Text information covers wide
range of topics.
2. It is easy to access.
3. It should be well-researched and
discussed comprehensively.
1. The books has to be updated regularly
for accuracy and timeliness
2. Text information can be lengthy and hard
or tiresome to read.
3. Finding information can mean browsing
over several materials which can be time

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