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1.1 – What is an upliftment centre?

Upliftment is defined as to lift up or raise Upliftment Centre is a

centre which provides infrastructure for good and healthy living
condition to its own population as well as its surroundings
population creating balanced socio-economic development of an
area. It is a powerful strategy for micro level planning for rural as
well as for urban areas.

1.2 – About the salt farmers(Agariyas)

Rann of Kutch, Gujarat - Rann of Kutch is a seasonal salt marsh

located in the Thar desert just 10km from the Arabian Sea in
India's Gujarat district. This is thecland of the Agariya people, who
have lived here for centuries, knowing only one means of
livelihood - salt production. Rann of Kutch’s abundant solar energy
potential, with nearly 300 sunny days and high solar radiation,
offered salt farmers the opportunity to dramatically increase their
annual savings by switching from diesel to hybrid pumps that are
able to run for 8 or 9 hours per day on solar power.
Marked by mass illiteracy, lack of education and health facilities,
and political underrepresentation, the community lives on the
margins of the Gujarati society.
For eight months between mid-November and August, Agariya
people live in the desert, working under extreme weather
conditions, helping to produce about 76 percent of India's salt.
They pay a high price for working in such harsh conditions.
According to a study conducted by the National Institute of
Occupational Health in Ahmedabad, the farmers suffer from skin
lesions, severe eye problems owing to intense reflections off the
white surfaces, and tuberculosis

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