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drone with sentry gun

Kundan Singh, Himanshu Baghel, Manthan Singh, Gaurang Shukla

Institute of Engineering and technology, J.K. Lakshmipat University, Jaipur

Technological advancements in fields of surveillance
and rescue has led us to the development of a
quadcopter. The quadcopter’s flight controller is an
Arduino microcontroller and its flight movements can
be controlled using a transmitter receiver setup. On
the quadcopter is attached a pressure, temperature
and humidity sensor which gives the readings of a
particular place. Also, there is a magnetometer
attached which indicates the direction of the
quadcopter to where it is facing. Also, a camera is
installed which can prove a live feed of the area for
detection to use sentry gun
At a later stage of the project, a GPS module would
be attached which would give the coordinates of the
place to where the quadcopter is travelling.

This quadcopter uses a camera, OV-7670 fitted on it
for image processing and capturing. The drone also
uses a microcontroller, Arduino Uno to link up the
camera to Node MCU and for image processing. The
camera provides real time image sensing . Arduino
Uno is also has link up to stepper motor and motor
help for triggering the gun .
It provides an interface between the camera and
Node MCU. The image captured is then sent to the
cloud and can be accessed later on anywhere.

We succeed in:
1 Basic structure building of drone
2 Remote controller signal receiving and transmitting
3 Resolving and analyzing gyroscope data
4 Ese calibration
5 Gun holder design in AutoCAD

Problem still remains :

1 Two motors are not working as per programed
2 3D print for Gun holder
The drone fitted with OV-7670 comes with
various utilities.

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