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Kinds of Data analysis Method

Choice of Data Analysis Method

The Selection of stastical Method according to
C Measurement Scale

Interpretation of Data Analysis Method Results

Kinds of Data analysis

Data analysis is critical to the states that analysis in any type

qualitative research process. of research, is a way of thinking
It is to recognition, study, critically. It relates to systematic
and understanding of testing of something to
interrelationship and concept determine parts, relationships
in your data that hypotheses between parts, and their
and assertions can be devel relationship to the whole.
oped and evaluated.
Analysis is to look for patterns.

defines the notion of data analysis as the process of systematically

searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes
and documentation, by organizing data into categories, describing
into units, synthesizing, compiling into patterns, choosing which
which are important and which ones will be learned, and make
conclusions so that they are easily understood by themselves and
Columns Layout
Quantitative data analysis,a
Qualitative data analysis, method used in research with
this method is used in a Quantitative approach. In
qualitative research. In this this approach, use statistical
method, statistical analysis tools. If the approach uses
is not used, but it reads statistical tools, it means that
tables, graphs, or figures data analysis is carried out
that are available then according to statistical
makes a description and basics.
When viewed from the number of
variables analyzed, there are three
There are two types of statistical tool types of data analysis, including:
used, namely: Descriptive Statistics
and Inferential Statistics.
If by analyzing quantitative data a Unvariat Analysis,
regular picture of an event is an analysis using
obtained, this statistic is called one variable.
"Descriptive Statistics", for example
measurements of central values
(mean, median, mode), deviation,
Bivariate Analysis,
index number calculation, correlation
size, and trend. However, if the is an analysis that
analysis provides a way to draw uses two variables.
conclusions about the characteristics
of a particular population, based on Multivariate Analysis,
the results of the analysis of a series
of samples taken in the population is
is an analysis that
called "Inferential Statistics". uses three or more
Choice of Data Analysis

When using statistical tools, the requirements that must be
met are the statistical test equipment that the researcher
will use must be in accordance with what is needed. The
main consideration in choosing a statistical test tool is
determined by the question for what the research was
conducted and determined by the level / scale, distribution
and distribution of data. The second consideration in
choosing this statistical test tool is the extent of statistical
knowledge possessed and the availability of sources in
relation to the calculation and interpretation of data.
The research method with a qualitative approach is different from
the quantitative approach, in a qualitative approach attention is
focused on the general principles underlying the manifestations
and symptom units that exist in human life or existing patterns.
The analysis carried out is a social and cultural phenomenon by
using the culture of the community concerned to obtain an
applicable pattern, and the pattern is analyzed with an objective
theory. Research with this qualitative approach is able to uncover
the symptoms that exist in the community systematically able to
reveal the actual events so that it will be difficult to deny the truth
When choosing the analytical method to be used,
the researcher must consider:

2. Reliability 4. Speed ​
/ toughness. / ease.

1. Compatibility / 3. Sensitivity. 5. Practical / 6. Security.

suitability of the flexible.
The steps to choose the analysis method
used, namely:

1. Establish research objectives.

2. Choose the type of data analysis


3. Knowing the possible use of the m


4. Choose the type of attribute metho

d used.
The Selection of
stastical Method
according to

Measurement Scale
The selection of statistical tools in quantitative research
is very dependent on the measurement scale of the vari
ables used. In the later analysis, do you use parametric
statistics or non-parametric statistics. When in quantitati
ve analysis where the scale of the variable size is nomi
nal or ordinal generally use non-parametric statistics. If
the variable size scale used is interval or ratio then the
statistics used are parametric statistics.

The use of parametric and non-parametric

statistics to analyze data specifically tests
the proposed hypothesis.
According to Sugiono (2003:147), descriptive hypotheses to be tested with parametric statistics
are allegations of values ​in one sample compared to standards, while descriptive hypotheses to
be tested with non-parametric statistics are allegations of significant differences in values
between groups in one sample. The comparative hypothesis is a presumption that there are
significant differences in the values ​of 2 or more groups. The associative hypothesis is a
presumption that there is a significant relationship between two or more variables.

The choice of statistical method is also influenced by the type of measurement

scale used (nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, ratio scale). The type
of measurement scale is considered by researchers to determine the choice of
parametric and non-parametric methods in inferential statistics. If a study uses
interval and ratio scales with relatively large sample sizes (n>30) parametric
statistics is an appropriate data analysis method, assuming that the population
distribution of data is normal. If the researcher does not use the assumption of
normality, the use of non-parametric statistics is an appropriate method of
Interpretation of Data
Analysis Method

Interpretation of research results is carried out to look
for meaning and broader implications of research
results. Interpretation of the results of the analysis
can be done in two ways, namely as follows:
• Interpretation is limited because researchers only i
nterpret the data and relationships that exist in the
• The researcher tries to find a wider definition of the
results he has obtained from the analysis.
• When analyzing research data, the researcher automatica
lly makes an interpretation where the analysis and interpr
etation carried out are very closely related because both a
re done almost simultaneously.
• When researchers try to find a broader understanding of t
he results that have been obtained from the analysis. This
is done by the researcher by comparing the results of the
analysis with the conclusions of other researchers and by
reconnecting his interpretation with the theory. This stage i
s very important to do, but often not done by social resear
For example a study using correlation techniques to find the relationship between
two variables. After calculating the obtained correlation coefficient results are quite
high (r=0.85) with a significance level of 0.001, this stage is called analysis. The
analysis process is then continued by interpreting the correlation coefficients
obtained. In the process of interpretation there are a series of questions that must
be answered by a researcher, as follows:
1) What is the correlation coefficient of 0.85?
2) What is the wider meaning of the invention when compared with the resu
lts of previous studies?

The significance of the correlation coefficient of 0.85 is because the

value is high and significant it can be said that a high correlation can
be concluded that a high relationship between one variable with anot
her variable does not occur by chance but systematically. Then it ca
n be said that the hypothesis is supported by observation or reality, t
hus this result can be said to support the theory consistently.
Thank you

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