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Fever in Infant

Group A.2
A Class
• Ayuni Aeniah • Dian Andriani
• Cantika Siti Q. H • Febby Fuziyawati
• Devi Pratiwi • Fitri Ismawati
In this Presentation
 What Causes Infant Fevers?
 Fever in Babies: What Are the Signs?
 How Do I Take My Baby's Temperature?
 At What Temperature Does My Baby Have a Fever?
 When to Call Your Doctor
 What Should I Do If My Baby Has a Fever?
What Causes Infant Fevers?
A fever isn't an illness -- it's considered a symptom of one. A fever
usually indicates that the body is fighting an illness and the immune
system is functioning. If your baby has a fever, in most instances it
means he has probably picked up a cold or other viral infection.
Although they are less common in infants, pneumonia, urinary tract
infection, ear infection or a more serious infection such as
a blood bacterial infection or meningitis, may be causing a fever.
Other causes of fever in babies include:
• Reaction to a vaccination
• Becoming overheated from being dressed too warmly or spending too
much time outside on a hot day
Fever in Babies: What Are the Signs?
One common sign of fever in babies is a warm forehead, although not
having a warm forehead doesn't mean that your baby doesn't have a
fever. Your baby may also be crankier and fussier than usual.
Other symptoms associated with fever in babies include:
• Poor sleeping
• Poor eating
• Lack of interest in play
• Less active or even lethargic
• Convulsions or seizures
How Do I Take My Baby's Temperature?
You can take a child's temperature a few different ways, such as via the
rectum (rectally), mouth (orally), ear, under the arm (axillary), or at the
temples. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends only
using digital thermometers in children. Mercury thermometers should
not be used because they pose a risk of mercury exposure and poisoning
if they break.
Rectal thermometers provide the most accurate temperature readings,
and can be easiest to take in an infant. Typically, babies can't hold an
oral thermometer in place, and the reading of an ear, temporal, or
underarm thermometer are not as accurate.
At What Temperature Does My Baby Have
a Fever?
A baby's normal temperature can range from about 97 degrees
Fahrenheit up to 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Most doctors consider a
rectal temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher as a fever.
When to Call Your Doctor?
According to the AAP, call your doctor if your baby:
• Is under age 3 months and has a fever; if your baby is under 2 months and
has a fever, it is considered an emergency. Seek immediate medical care.
• Is lethargic and not responsive
• Has problems breathing or eating
• Is very cranky, fussy or difficult to calm down
• Has a rash
• Shows signs of dehydration, such as fewer wet diapers, dry mouth, no tears
with crying, or sunken soft spot on the head
• Has a seizure
What Should I Do If My Baby Has a
If your baby is under age 1 month and has a fever, contact your
child's health care provider right away. For older babies, try these tips:
• Bathe your child with lukewarm water -- always check the temperature
of the water on your wrist before washing your baby.
• Dress your baby in a light layer of clothes.
• Give your baby enough fluids to avoid dehydration.
• If your child is older than 6 months and your doctor says it is OK, you
can give your baby either
children's Tylenol or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin).

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