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Shadow Of The

It was early in the summer of 1945. There was a
father and his son (Mr. Sempere and Daniel
Sempere) walking through the streets of Barcelona
as dawn poured over Rambla de Santa Monica.
They were on their way to the Cemetery of
Forgotten Books.

Daniel was 11 years old at that time. Arriving at

the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, there they met
Isaac Monfort the caretaker of the place. There is a
tradition when the first time someone visits the
place they must choose a book, whichever they
want, and adopt it, making sure it will never

The book which caught Daniel’s eyes was “The

Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax”.
Chapter 1
Daniel thought of telling his bestfriend, Thomas Aguilar
who has a talent for inventing things, but decided against it
remembering that he promised to keep the Cemetery of
Forgotten Books a secret.

Daniel wants to get the complete works of Julian Carax so

he decided to approach his father about the books of Julian
Carax. To this surprise his father, who happens to be a
librarian and a walking lexicon of publisher’s catalogue,
never heard of The Shadow of the Wind or Julian Carax.
Els Quatre Gats
They then approached Barcelo Gustavo, an old colleague of
Mr. Sempere, and a book antiquarian. They met up at Els
Quatre Gats; Barcelo made an offer for the book but Daniel
did not accept until they have come into an agreement that
Barcelo would tell Daniel information about Julian Carax in
exchange for Barcelo examining the book.
Barcelo and Daniel met up as planned and
discussed the book’s history. As it turns out, the
copy of The Shadow of the Wind that Daniel has
is the only copy left, the rest were burned for
unknown reasons.

Barcelo then introduced Daniel to Clara his blind

niece. Clara is the expert regarding Julian Carax.
Clara asked Daniel to come closer to him then she
raised a hand to Daniel’s face to grasp and feel his
face and as she does that Daniel observed Clara,
the way she moves, her appearance. Then at that
moment Clara Barcelo stole Daniel’s heart.
Chapter 3
Clara Barcelo started her tale on how she encountered Julian
Carax’s works thourgh her uncle Monsieur Roquefort. She
tells Daniel of how her father was betrayed by his most
trusted friends and was killed.

She tells Daniel of Julian Carax’s book the Red house which
is a story of a mysterious, tormented individual who breaks
into museum and toyshops to steal dolls and puppets, and how
the protagonist pulls out the eyes of the dolls. At last the tale
sinks into a tragic, darkly perfumed gothic denouement.

She tells Daniel how Monsieur Roquefort kept on

investigating works of Julian Carax and the author itself. His
search was failing until he stumbled a small bookshop where
he found out that Julian Carax’s new book was published in
Paris. He wrote to the publishers asking if he could copies of
the book but never got an answer. A few years later news
spread that Julian Cara was involved in a duel resulting in
Julian Carax’s death.
Chapter 4
Clara continues to tell the story of Julian Carax's
books. Apparently there was a rumor out that
someone was trying to get his hands on all Carax's
books to burn them. Clara also told Daniel a bit
more about her own story and how a man called
Javier Fumero had tortured and killed her father in
a political prison, Montjuic Castle. Fumero was a
hired gunman and had worked for the anarchists,
communists, and fascists. He had no ideals and
played up to the winning side. Clara's mother died
of heartache after hearing of her husband's fate,
and Clara went to live with her Uncle Gustavo,
who always treated her well and read to her.
Daniel offers to read the book he had found, The
Shadow of the Wind, to Clara.
Chapter 5
Daniel remembered his childhood: that he dreamed of becoming
a novelist; and the Victor Hugo’s Montblanc Meisterstuck that
means everything to him.
When he returned from Clara that night his father was waiting
for him in the dining room and they talked about the war(which
his father should’nt mentioned) how did things go with Gustavo
, and told his father about going to Clara’s house.
In the balcony, he had just witnessed that night a stranger
standing in a patch of shadow that the flickering amber glow of a
cigarette was reflected on it’s eyes, observing daniel silently for
almost a minute. He felt a cold sweat on his forehead and found
it hard to breathe as soon as he’d lost sight on it in the mist
because he had read the same scene in The Shadow Of The
Wind which also happened to him.In Carax’s novel, that figure
was Lain Coubert, the devil.
Chapter 6
Daniel went to Gustavo’s house and Bernarda, Gustavo’s maid, opened the door for
him and that afternoon he read for about an hour to Clara. They planned again to meet
the following day. His visits to the Barcelos became daily, except for Tuesdays and
Thursdays and spent long hours there that Bernarda almost treated him as her own son.
Clara tells him far-fetched secrets and one of her favorite topics, a stranger , a person
who sometimes came up to her when she was alone in the street and asked her
questions about Don Gustavo and Daniel.
Daniel’s father began to show his obvious disapproval of his relationship with
Clara.Also, One day his father discovered the he’d given given Carax’s book to Clara,
and rose in anger. He thought his father was hurt because he spent so much time with
the Barcelos, that his father resented the fact that Bernarda behaved as if she was
Daniel’s mother and the fact that Gustavo and his niece lived a life of luxury that his
father could barely dreamed of.
As time went by, the hints from his father, from Bernarda and even Barcelos
intimations, began to make an impression on him. Something inside told Daniel that he
was entering a cul-de-sac, that he could not hope for Clara to see anything more in him
that a boy ten years her junior that he never let Clara finish her sentences and leave the
room with any old excuses whenever Clara tries to talk to him.
Chapter 7
On Daniel’s sixteenth birthday, Daniel spawned the most ill-
fated idea that had yet occurred to him. Without consulting
anybody, he decided to host a birthday party and invite
Barcelo, Bernarda, and Clara. His father's estimation, the
whole thing was a recipe for disaster.
On Daniel’s birthday his father went down to the bakery on
the corner and bought the finest cake he could find. He set the
dinner table silently, bringing out the silver and the best
crockery. He lit a few candles and prepared a meal of what he
thought were my favourite dishes. Daniel and his father didn't
exchange a word all afternoon. In the evening the father went
into his room, slipped into his best suit, and came out again
holding a packet wrapped in shiny cellophane, which he
placed on the coffee table in the dining room. He sat at the
table, poured himself a glass of white wine, and waited.
Daniel’s invitation specified that dinner would be served at
eight-thirty. At nine-thirty Daniel and his father were still
waiting. Daniel’s father glanced at him sadly. Inside, Daniel
was boiling with rage.
Half an hour later, Bernarda arrived. She
bore a funereal expression and a message
from Miss Clara, who wished Daniel with
many happy returns. Bernarda looked
down. She was almost in tears when she
handed Daniel a small parcel containing
her present and kissed him on both cheeks.
Daniel rushed furiously down the stairs, his
eyes brimming with tears of rage as I
stepped outside. The street was freezing,
desolate, suffused in an eerie blue radiance.
Daniel felt as if his heart had been flayed
open. Daniel walked off aimlessly, paying
scant attention to a stranger who was
observing him from Puerta del Angel. He
wore a dark suit, right hand buried in the
pocket of his jacket, eyes like wisps of
light in the glow of his cigarette. Limping
slightly, he began to follow Daniel. Daniel
wandered through the streets for an hour or
more, until he found myself at the base of
the Columbus monument.
Suddenly a terribly certainty hit Daniel.
That man was the anonymous stranger
who pestered Clara in the street. He was
real, Clara had not lied. The man took a
step forward, Daniel moved back. Daniel
had never been so frightened in all his
life. The stranger made a stifled,
desperate sound. It took Daniel a while to
realize that he was laughing. He pulled a
box of matches out of his pocket. He
took one and struck it. The flame showed
his face for the first time. the stranger
turned around and walked off toward the
docks, a shape melting into the shadows,
cocooned in his hollow laughter after he
said to Daniel ‘'We'll meet again, Daniel.
I never forget a face, and I don't think
you will either,' 'For your sake, and for
the sake of your friend Clara, I hope you
make the right decision. Sort this thing
out with Neri - a rather pretentious name.
I wouldn't trust him an inch’
Chapter 8
Daniel looked up and saw the storm
spilling like rivers of blackened blood
from the clouds, blotting out the moon
and covering the roofs of the city in
darkness. Daniel tried to speed up, but he
was consumed with fear and walked with
leaden feet, chased by the rain. Daniel
took refuge under the canopy of a
newspaper kiosk, trying to collect his
thoughts and decide what to do next. A
clap of thunder roared close by, and he
felt the ground shake under his feet. A
few seconds later, the weak current of the
lighting system, which lit up the shapes of
buildings and windows, faded away.
There wasn't a soul to be seen in the
streets, and the darkness of the blackout
spread with a fetid smell that rose from
the sewers. The night became opaque,
impenetrable, as the rain folded the city in
its shroud.
Bernarda had said Barcelo was away on business. That left Clara
alone in the cavernous Plaza Real apartment and that faceless,
menacing man unleashed in the storm with heaven knows what in
mind. As Daniel hurried under the downpour towards Plaza Real,
all he could think was that he had placed Clara in danger by giving
her Carax's book. By the time Daniel reached the entrance to the
square, he was soaked to the bone. Daniel rushed to take shelter
under the arches of Calle Fernando. Daniel thought he could see
shadowy forms creeping up behind him. Beggars. The front door
was closed then Daniel searched his pockets for the keys Barcelo
had given him. One of the tramps came up, petitioning Daniel to
let him spend the night in the entrance hall.
Clara's room was at the other end of the apartment, next to the
library and the music room. Daniel reached the front of the
apartment and with anxiety he thought the stranger was inside. The
door of her bedroom was just visible at the end of the corridor and
Daniel fantasized about Clara but then he turned around, and step
before the music room. A voice whistling behind Daniel, behind a
door. A deep voice that whispered and laughed. In Clara's room,
Daniel walked slowly up to the door. They trembled, Daniel had
arrived too late. Daniel swallowed hard and opened the door.
Chapter 9
Clara's naked body lay stretched out on white sheets that
shone like washed silk. Maestro Neri's hands slid over
her lips, her neck and her breasts. Her white eyes looked
up to the ceiling, her eyelids flickering as the music
teacher charged at her, entering her body between pale
and trembling thighs. Daniel couldn't breathe. He must
have stayed there, paralysed, watching them for almost
half a minute, until Neri's eyes, disbelieving at first, then
aflame with anger, became aware of Daniel’s presence.
Still panting, astounded, he stopped. Clara grabbed him,
not understanding, rubbing her body against his, licking
his neck. Neri stood up and threw himself at Daniel,
clenching his fists. Daniel didn't even see him coming.
Daniel still couldn't take my eyes off Clara, wrapped in
sweat, breathless, her ribs visible under her skin and her
breasts quivering. The music teacher grabbed Daniel by
the neck and dragged him out of the bedroom.
Neri punched Daniel then slammed the door against
him. Daniel groped around for the book. He found it and
slid down the stairs, leaning against the walls, panting.
Daniel went outside spitting blood and gasping for
The beggar that Daniel refused to helped asked if he was
alright. Feeling ashamed, he nodded, avoiding the beggar’s
eyes. Daniel started to walk away but the beggar suggested for
him to stay and wait for the rain to go. He took Daniel by the
arm and led him to a corner under the arches where he kept a
bundle of possessions and a bag with old, dirty clothes. The
beggar offered Daniel for a wine. The beggar had a long drink,
as Daniel watched him closely. He looked like some grey
government accountant who had been sleeping in the same
suit for the last fifteen years. Daniel and the beggar shook
hands. Daniel set off towards the Ramblas after the talk with
the beggar. Daniel stopped by the entrance to the square and
turned to look at the Barcelos apartment. The windows were
still in darkness, weeping with rain. He wanted to hate Clara
but was unable to. To truly hate is an art one learns with time.
Daniel swore to himself that he would never see her again, for
some strange reason, he felt at peace. Daniel was afraid that
jealousy and shame would slowly consume him once all the
pieces of my memory of that night fell into place. But dawn
was still a few hours away, and there was one more thing he
had to do before he could return home with a clean
Calle Arco del Teatro was there waiting for Daniel. A
stream of black water converged in the centre of the
narrow street and made its way, like a funeral procession,
toward the heart of the Raval quarter. Daniel recognized
the old wooden door and the baroque facade to which his
father had brought him that morning at dawn, six years
before. Daniel went up the steps and took shelter from the
rain under the arched doorway. The Cemetery of
Forgotten Books smelled of death. Daniel didn't recall that
the door knocker was shaped as a demon's face. Daniel
took it by its horns and knocked three times. The
cavernous echo dispersed within the building. After a
while he knocked again, six knocks this time, each one
louder than before, until his fist hurt. A few more minutes
went by, and he began to fear that perhaps there was no
longer anyone there. He crouched down against the door
and took the Carax from the inside of my jacket. He
opened it and reread that first sentence that had entranced
his years before.
That summer it rained every day, and although many said
it was God's wrath because the villagers had opened a
casino next to the church, Daniel knew it was his fault.
The keeper observed Daniel without blinking. The glow from the oil lamp
sculpted his angular features in amber and scarlet hues, conferring on him a
striking likeness to the little demon on the door knocker.
Isaac glanced suspiciously down the alleyway. He opened the door a few
inches and beckoned Daniel to slip inside. The dark, unfathomable
vestibule smelled of wax and dampness. An intermittent drip could be
heard in the gloom. Isaac gave Daniel the lamp to hold while he put his
hand in his coat and pulled out a ring of keys that would have been the
envy of any jailer. When, by some imponderable science, he found the
right one, he inserted it into a bolt under a glass case full of relays and
cogwheels, like a large music box. With a twist of his wrist, the mechanism
clicked, and levers and fulcrums slid in an amazing mechanical ballet until
the large door was clamped by a circle of steel bars that locked into place
in the stone wall. Daniel followed Isaac through corridors flanked with
fading frescoes of angels and shadowlike creatures. Isaac held the lamp up
high, casting a flickering bubble of red light. He limped slightly, and his
frayed flannel coat looked like an undertaker's. Daniel thought that
somewhere between Charon and the librarian at Alexandria, seemed to
belong in one of Julian Carax's novels.
Out of the corner of Daniel’s eye, when he thought Daniel couldn't see him,
Daniel noticed that, despite himself, he was smiling mischievously. Isaac
clearly seemed to relish the role of sinister watchdog. There was no doubt
as to whom the face on the door knocker belonged.
Chapter 10
Daniel and Isaac talked mainly about Julian Carax and his works
that was published by Cabestany’s firm. Then their conversation
turned to Senor Cabestany.

Mr. Cabestany became ill then his eldest son took over their firm.
Soon after this happened, someone made an offer to buy all of
Carax’s books in return for triple the price of all of the books just
so to destroy all of it. But when the secretary, Nuria, heard of the
offer, she took one copy of every book of Carax and hid them in
Isaac’s bookstore.

Turns out Isaac is Nuria’s father. Daniel, still curious about Julian
and his works, wants to go talk to Nuria about Julian since they
seem to have some history together based form the point of view
of Isaac. Isaac then gave Daniel Nuria’s address. Daniel when
back home to come across with his dad waiting for him.
Chapter 11
Daniel’s life seemed to be back to its normal
pace and his interest in Clara and Julian Carax
is temporarily dismissed. Him and His father
decided to hire another person to help them find
orders. He then turned to Fermin Romero de
Torres, a beggar who usually lodges below the
arches of Calle Fernando. Daniel and his father
took Fermin and cleaned him up, making him
the person Daniel wants to hire. While Fermin
is taking a bath, Daniel and his father noticed
marks on Fermin’s body, results from
traumatizing experiences.
Chapter 12
Realizing that he has now too much time in his hands since Fermin came, Daniel once again want to
devote his time attempting to unravel the Carax Mystery and also to spend time with his friend Tomas.
Tomas, despite his aggressive looks, was a peaceful and good-hearted person. Daniel reminisce how
Tomas and him met and how they became best of friends thanks to Tomas’ sister which is Beatriz. As
described by Daniel, Bea is a redhead and appears to be really pale. She always wore very expensive
dresses and thinks of herself as if she has the role of a princess. Daniel once said that deep down inside of
him, he’s afraid of her.
Chapter 13
One day, while Fermin and Daniel are in the bookshop, Bernarda who worked with
Barceló comes in. Fermin is immediately attracted to her and invites her out. When
they leave the bookstore, Daniel is left alone. While looking for a book at the back
of the shop, he hears someone come in. By the time he gets to the front of the shop,
the visitor has already left. Daniel finds an old photo of a young couple in front of a
hat shop. The name of the hat shop was Sons of Antonio Fortuny, which Daniel
recognized was the name of Julian Carax's father.
Chapter 14
Daniel encounters Beatriz (Bea) when
he goes to drop off a book for Professor
Velazquez. She tells him about getting
married and leaving and he vows to
show her things in the city that will
make her want to stay.
Chapter 15
Daniel goes to the Fortuny hat shop that was the background of the photo he found. The shop had
been closed for twelve years since the death of the old hatter, but Daniel is able to speak to the
caretaker. The caretaker, Dona Aurora confirmed that the young man in the photo was Julian Carax.
She also informed that Julian had left Barcelona in 1918 for Paris as his father wanted to put him into
the army. Old man Fortuny had told Aurora that his son had died in Paris in 1919. Daniel tells the
lady that the old man had lied and that Julian was alive at least until 1935, when he returned to
Barcelona. Daniel plays conversation with the caretaker and trick her unto letting him have a look at
the apartment with her. Upon checking, they found a gold key from the music box. And they realized
that it is the key to Julian’s room.
Chapter 16
Dona Aurora
Mr. Molins
Admin of the

Antoni Fortuny Sophia Carax

Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Don Anacleto

Don Federico
Chapter 19
A grey police van had dumped Don Federico on his
doorstep. He was covered in blood, his dress was in
shreds, and he had lost his wig and his collection of
fine costume jewellery. He had been urinated on,
and his face was full of cuts and bruises.
The baker's son had discovered him huddled in the
doorframe, shaking and crying like a baby.

Fermin objected that What we need is a bit more

Christian charity and less spitefulness and
Merceditas says 'Everybody goes to mass, but
nobody pays attention to the words of Our Lord
Jesus Christ.' and the father interrupted by saying
“Merceditas, let's not mention the missal industry.
That's part of the problem, not the solution.”
Chapter 20
Nuria Monfort lived in a very simple and modest
apartment, and is obviously undergoing financial
difficulties. She explained that her husband, Miquel
was in prison and that she was living off translations.
Nuria answers Daniel's questions about Julian Carax,
explaining that she had met him in Paris while she was
working with his publisher. She had stayed in Julian's
apartment for a week in 1933 when she was in Paris
for business. Nuria claimed that their relationship was
purely business and that she really didn't know him
well. Julian had told her that Fortuny was not his real
father; his mother had had a previous affair. The hatter
had beaten his mother and treated Julian badly. Julian
had run away to Paris, to escape being sent to the army
by his mother's husband.
Chapter 21
Upon leaving Nuria, Daniel went straight to meet Bea at
the university. They were both nervous and the attraction
between them was obvious. Bea made Daniel promise not
to tell anyone, especially not her brother Tomás that they
were meeting. They went a small café and there Daniel
told Bea the whole story about Julian Carax and the book.
Bea is entranced and asks to be taken to the Cemetery of
lost books. There, Daniel showed Bea the famous book.
Daniel however, did not allow Bea to take the Shadow of
the Wind with her and insisted that she pick another book.
Daniel kisses Bea much to his surprise and pleasure.
Daniel drops Bea off at her house at midnight, a very late
hour for a young girl and boy to be outside. Although it
was hard for them to part ways, Bea went inside and
Daniel went to Plaza de Cataluna where he describes that
day being the strangest and most marvelous day of his life.
Chapter 22
Daniel notices the bookshop light still on and wonders if
his father had stayed on until late. Then notices Fermin
lost in concentration and goes inside the shop. Fermin
asks about Daniel’s meeting with Bea and asks if she is
someone who he wants to have a serious relationship
with. Then Fermin asks Daniel if he could be a good
father and talks about how he wants to start a family with

Fermin tells Daniel about the PO box and that someone

has been collecting the letters and that person was Nuria
Monfort. He asks how Daniel came to know this person
and then Daniel tells the story of Julian Carax to Fermin.
Then they made a plan to drop by San Gabriel’s school to
talk to a priest about the friendship between Carax and
Thank You!
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