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Media Evolution

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Why is media so important?

• All media have their importance and usefulness. The media

serve to keep us informed of current issues.

• And the development of a better society through an informed

public opinion.

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Ancient Media

• The beginning of human communication dates back

to ancient cave paintings, drawn maps, and writing.

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• However, today we associate the word 'mass
media' to computers, internet, newspapers,
magazines, mobile phones ...

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• The highest level media revolutions, doubts are
being the invention of paper, phones, television,
radio, computer and of course the internet.

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• Over time, the mass media has evolved, and

the reaction of society and accessibility to


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Philippine Media Preference

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In the Caves
• Man has always had a need to communicate

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Traditional to New Media

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Earliest forms of writing
• Papyrus : • Role :
Appeared in egypt and its Originated in china in the
age is unknown. year 123 a.C

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First printing press
• Gutenberg was the first European to use the
impression in 1439

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• In the West, the first newspaper appeared even in antiquity,
under the command of Julius Caesar in ancient Rome.

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• Device invented around 1860 by Italian
Antonio Meucci.

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• Was invented by the German Heinrich Hertz in


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• The first semi-mechanical analogue television was shown in
London in February 1924, and later moving images on
October 1925.

• The color television came in 1954..

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• The first electro-mechanical computer built

by Konrad Zuse in 1910-1995.

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• The origin of the global communications network, as

it is also known, was in the military.

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Examples of New Media
• Feeds
• Blogs
• Voice over Internet Protocol
• Podcasts
• PDAs, handhelds, blackberrys, phones with
wireless internet access
• Webcams
• Tivo
• Community portals (e.g. Facebook, Myspace,
Friendster, online dating services)

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Let us ponder on this…

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Think about these…
- Do new technologies provide ease over quality of
• How are we affected by new media?
• How about you personally?
• Has having access to an MP3 player or cell phone
changed your daily life? Your perceptions? How
you inform yourself of the world around you?

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