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Army Family Training

The Basics of Basic Training

Instructor: Rebecca Myers
Background Information

My son, Benjamin, joined the United States

Army Reserve on April 11, 2019 under the
Split-Option program. The Split-Option is a
program that allows trainees to bookend
their senior year with basic combat training
(BCT) and advanced individual training (AIT).
He left for BCT June 10, 2019. Military life is
new to us, and there was much to learn
within military protocols and procedures.
During his adventure, I read everything
available, joined many support groups, and
took copious amounts of notes in hopes to
learn anything concerning my future soldier.
Later, that turned into a desire to help other
families new to this process.
Learning Curve

June 11th, the non-stop search for information began. Where

does one begin to search for information? I started with social
media. After joining the family group specific to my son’s
training, I noticed an alarming trend. Different group members
would repeatedly ask for information that the administrators of
the group had already answered in a variety of files. After
further inquiry, it became clear that members were unfamiliar
with the platform, overwhelmed with the enormity of information
provided, or intimidated by the process of gaining the sought
after information.
Need to Know Information

o Before Basic Combat Training
o Meeting with the recruiter
o Swearing in/MEPS
o Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
o Packing list
o During Basic Combat Training
o Guidelines of Army Basic Combat Training (BCT)
o Communication tools for families
o Care packages
o Important events
o After Basic Combat Training
o Adjusting to civilian life
o Preparing for Advanced Individual Training (AIT)
During Basic Combat Training: Phases
Phase 0 – zero week/reception week
Phase 1 – Red Phase/Hammer
Phase 2 – White Phase/Anvil
Phase 3 – Blue Phase/Forge
What is the Hammer, Anvil, Forge?

 Each phase of training has a Field Training Exercise (FTX). The

FTX is where soldiers are required to demonstrate the
information learned through said phase. Successful
completion of a FTX by the company initiates the transition of
phases. Each FTX begins with a foot or ruck march.
 The Red Phase = The Hammer
 The White Phase = The Anvil
 The Blue Phase = The Forge
Welcome to Reception (zero week)

 This “week” does not count toward a future soldier’s ten weeks of basic combat
training. That ten week count begins when they get “picked up” by a company.
 The reception week is the paper work processing portion of BCT. I can also last for more
than a week. Typically, 7 to 10 days in the timeframe for reception.
 There are rare cases where reception week can last for longer than the 7 to 10 days.
Those occurrences are rare and limited to an error in paper work, a non-diagnosed
medical issue discovered by military medical officials, or other instances that may arise
from withheld information during the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)
 During reception future soldiers will be given a haircut, shots, and PT gear. They will
wear the shoes in which they arrive. Athletic shoes are recommended for this reason.
 Introduction to Army values includes the Army song and the Soldier’s Creed. They will
have to memorize these two pieces of canon.
Welcome to Red Phase

 Red Phase is the most difficult of all the phases.

 It lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. This is the timeline given by the Army. The duration of
each phase is based on the training and decided by Drill Sergeants.
 This phase is a future soldiers introduction to military life, protocol and values.
 Drill sergeants are particularly firm with future soldiers and are quick to correct
any future soldier that is out of compliance with orders or instructions.
 Soldiers will not receive letters during Red Phase. However, you may receive
letters from them. The early letters are going to be filled with messages ranging
from, “This is the worst mistake of my life”, to “I can’t wait to hear from you,
please write”. The letters will get better, and they will get letters from you at
the end of Red Phase. Keep writing!!
Welcome to White Phase

 White Phase is like a breath of fresh air to future soldiers. The

shock is beginning to wear off, and Drill Sergeants become
a little more human.
 White phase lasts from the 4th to 6th week of the 10 weeks of
training. Again, this time frame is decided by Drill Sergeants.
The future soldiers ability to adapt, demonstrate, and
perform will determine privileges and phase success.
 The main focus of white phase is a future soldiers
introduction to weapons training and marksmanship
 They will also endure a 7.5 foot march.

 During white phase - Mail will become more consistent.

 Soldiers may not have a lot of time to write, but they get mail call once
a week. Those letters from home are a life line! They need all the
strength and encouragement they can get.
 They do get personal time. However, they have laundry and other
responsibilities. They are also exhausted. They may choose to sleep
instead of write.
 They will not have access to phones, unless a phone call to home is
earned. Answer any and all calls! Chargers are contraband. Therefore,
a future soldier will call from any phone that has a charge.
 The letters you will receive from this point will get better. Keep writing!!
Welcome to Blue Phase

 Blue Phase comes with the anticipation of nearing the end. There
is a new energy at the beginning of blue phase. Anticipate this in
the letters to home. They begin to feel a sense of pride and
 The future soldiers have come to know what to expect. Drill
Sergeants will take advantage of this knowledge, and issue
discipline to ensure that future soldiers remain humble.
 Blue phase lasts from the 7th to 10th week of the 10 weeks of
training. Again, this time frame is decided by Drill Sergeants. The
final FTX is known as the Forge.
 Following the forge, future soldiers experience a Rite of Passage
ceremony, where they earn the title of soldier.

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