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Have you recently sipped your coffee or ate a scoop of ice cream and felt a

painful sensation in your teeth? If yes, you are exposed to teeth sensitivity.
Pain caused due to hot and cold beverages is a sign of a tooth cavity and
should be addressed with proper medical intervention. Devs Oral Clinic has
the nation’s most excellent team of Dentist in Pune.

Tooth sensitivity or “dentin hypersensitivity” may be a chronic or

temporary problem, but can affect one or several teeth causing severe pain
and discomfort.
Many factors could trigger pain and discomfort in your teeth. The most
common ones are:

● Hot food and beverages (coffee, tea)

● Cold food and drinks (soft drinks, beer)
● Cold air
● Sweet foods, chocolates, milkshakes, and sugary items
● Acidic food and beverages
● Coldwater
● Alcohol-based mouth rises

Tooth sensitivity occurs when their enamel becomes thinner. The enamel is
the outer layer of the tooth which protects it. Many factors cause tooth
enamel to wear down, such as:

● Hardly brushing your teeth

● Using a toothbrush with hard bristles
● Teeth grinding at night
● Eating alcoholic food and beverages regularly

Mild tooth sensitivity can be cured with over-the-counter medications. But, if

the medicines don’t work, search for the “best Dental clinic near me” and
choose the best dental clinic for your dental issues.

At Dev’s Oral Care, we examine the patient to find out the underlying
conditions causing tooth sensitivity. Your dentist might recommend using a
gum graft. This procedure involves taking tissue from the palate and placing it
over the root to protect the tooth.
Keep your mouth as healthy as you can, to prevent any oral diseases and
tooth decay. Make sure to visit your dentist twice a year for regular
checkups so that any growing dental concern can easily get diagnosed on
an early stage. Ignoring your too sensitivity can cause severe health risks,
including the mouth and oral cancer.
Book your appointment today with the best Dental clinic in Camp Pune.
We offer state-of-the-art Dental implant, including various other dental
treatments such as root canal, cosmetic dentistry, Orthodontics, Pediatric
dentistry, and gum treatment under one roof. Ask our dentists and
hygienists about the best Dental implant in Pune and how to ensure
maintaining excellent oral hygiene.

For more details please click here

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