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Group 2:
Berlon, Eugene Tedd
Bencalo, John Lester
Sinaon, Jericho James
Balisi, Joaquin Eduardo
Braceros, Mark Ryan
Flores, Christopher John
Alcantara, John Andrei
Reyes, Emmanuel
We as Families
Family Structures
The following types of families exist today,
with some families naturally falling into
multiple categories. For example, a single
parent family who lives in a larger, extended
family. While these types of families are
distinct in definition, in practice the lines
are less clear. As laws and norms change, so
do family structures.
Types of Family
Nuclear Family
The nuclear family is the traditional type of family
structure. This family type consists of two parents and
children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by
society as being the ideal in which to raise children
Single Parent Family
The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or
more children on his own. This family may include a single
mother with her children, a single dad with his kids
Extended Family
The extended family structure
consists of two or more adults
who are related, either by
blood or marriage, living in
the same home. This family
includes many relatives living
together and working toward
common goals, such as
raising the children and
keeping up with the
household duties.
Childless Family
While most people think
of family as including
children, there are
couples who either
cannot or choose not to
have children.
Step Family
Over half of
all marriages end in
divorce, and many of
these individuals choose
to get remarried. This
creates the step
or blended family which
involves two separate
families merging into
one new unit.
Grandparent Family
Many grandparents today
are raising their
grandchildren for a variety of
reasons. One in fourteen
children is raised by his
grandparents, and the
parents are not present in
the child's life.

Variety of Structures
There is no right or wrong answer when it
comes to what is the best type of family
structure. As long as a family is filled with love
and support for one another, it tends to be
successful and thrive. Families need to do
what is best for each other and themselves,
and that can be achieved in almost any unit.

Other Functions of the Family
Producing offspring is not the only
function of the family. Marriage
sometimes establishes the legal
father of a woman’s child or the legal
mother of a man’s child; it oftentimes
gives the husband or his family
control over the wife’s sexual
services, labor, and property.
Marriage, likewise, often gives the
wife or her family control over the
Tips for handling Family
Content C
Content A Content B Watch behavior. Children let
us know they are stressed by
Reassure children. Children
Validate Feelings. Let their behaviors. If you see that
might be scared that things will
the child know that their they are clingy, acting
never be back to normal or that
thoughts and feelings differently than before, even
the storm could come again.
are valid by saying misbehaving, those are signs
Assure them that things will get
things like “I know, I that children are stressed. Be
better and that your priority is to
was scared too” or mindful that children are
keep them safe. Explain that
“yes, going through a observant of their parents’
there are people and resources
storm like that was reactions, and often feel our
in the community providing
really difficult”. stress. Rather than scold
assistance and that they are not
Validating feelings can them, reassure the children
make all the difference that you love them and they
for children. will be safe now.
A Picture Is
Worth A
Itself is what the end-user
derives value from also.

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