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Humans are the most

dangerous creatures
on Earth
 Since the dawn of time, human species have endeavored to make the civilization
better and better by challenging the forces of nature. Sometimes they make life
saving medicines out of venom, sometimes they defeat the gravity and step on
moon and sometimes they cut the heart of atom to fulfill their energy needs. But the
very human species have got a selfish gene, which incited him to use his
intelligence in a negative way and has ultimately made him more dangerous then
beneficial for the world which is his home.
 We have killed more of our own kind than any other animal on earth.
 No animal on earth other than man has created bombs, poisonous chemicals, bio-
toxins, cars, planes, heavy machinery and all the other billions of things that kill
directly or indirectly, Terrorism.
 Humans may be frail and weak compared to large wild animals but we can be
extremely savage.

 Every time, something is invented by our kind something seems to go wrong
in some way or the other.
 Look at the amount of smoke emitted by it
 global warming,
 All the suffering, disparity, every kind of problem, be it with political,
environmental, mental, physical any type- it is because of MANKIND!!
 We kill for fun or sport. Other animals, like cats, do this too. But nothing on
the scale of humans.
 Conclusion : we can trust dangerous animals but not humans as far as the
safety of the planet is concerned there should be laws and regulations that
restrict the use of human intelligence for peaceful purposes only.

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