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In Harmony With Nature

Since ancient times, nature has been the only ruler of the entire planet. People created
gods to describe natural phenomena. They offered sacrifices to these gods, honored them, and
considered them higher than themselves, but meanwhile, it was still only nature and its
Currently, some people who still glorify nature state that volcanic eruptions, river floods,
earthquakes, and other natural disasters are nature's response to human actions. Such people
believe that nature is alive and can feel thus can take revenge for the pain that man causes her. I
don’t know if they literally believe this, or just allegorically make nature alive. In my opinion,
our entire planet can be called nature, including man. Even according to Darwin's theory, man is
a child of nature and evolution. Only man has escaped in his development beyond animals, fish,
or plants. That is why man exploits everything that is on the planet: from deforestation to the
extermination of rare animals. Does a person have the right to do this? Well, this question is
quite complex. Nature itself has established the rule that the strongest survives, and the winners
are not judged. After all, if it were otherwise, then the antelopes wouldn't run from lions. And if
a person deservedly bears the title of the strongest on Earth, as he is a supreme being with full
consciousness, then it turns out that he has the right to dispose of the nature around him as he
Another question is that if the man does not think about the future, then the natural
resources that he extracts will quickly run out. And then what? What will be left to the
descendants? How will people live if there is no oil left on the Earth, for example? Not to
mention that there are rare animals, plants, and birds, the beauty of which would amaze even the
most indifferent person. If we do not store all this, do not care about preservation, then our
descendants will not see this, and the masterpieces of nature will remain only in paintings and in-
text notes.
I believe that man has the right to use nature for his own purposes. We just need to use it
for a comfortable standard of living, to develop science, medicine, and industry. But a person, if
he is the most developed creature on the planet, is obliged to ensure that the balance of resources
is not disturbed, so that future generations don't suffer from a lack of something that was used in
the past generation.

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