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Report Writing

• A research report is:

– a written document or oral presentation based on a written document
that communicates the purpose, scope, objective(s), hypotheses,
methodology, findings, limitations and finally, recommendations of a
research projec to others.

– Report can be defined as a structured document in which the various data and
fact finding are placed in a permanent form

It is more than a summary of findings; rather it is a record of the research process.

The researcher has to convince the client [and others who may read the
report] that the research findings can be acted on for their own benef it.
Report writing
Characteristics of Report

•Narrative but Authoritative

•Highly specific for Designated Audience


•Revolving around the Subject

•Simple, Readable and Accurate form of Communication

• Any research report contains:
– descriptions on methodology,
– results obtained,
– and recommendations made.
• The basic orientation of a research report
depends on its audience. Before writing the
– the researcher must know his or her audience;
– he/she may have to make assumptions about
the composition, background and interests of
the target readers.
Problem Definition, Data Pre-report
Research Design Analysis
and Methodology Writing

Interpretation of

Preparation Writing


RESEARCH Reading of the
Report by the Report
client Writing
• Report Format

• No universally accepted standard format or

style for research writing. Different
researchers may prepare their reports
– The personality, background, expertise, and
responsibility of the researcher and those of the
decision maker for whom the report is written
interact to give each report a unique character.
– Report formats are likely to vary with the nature
of the project itself. However, the research report
closely resembles the steps of the marketing
research process.
• Two types of reports:-

– Technical Report: suitable for a target audience of

• researchers, research managers or other people
familiar with and interested in the technicalities such
as research design, sampling methods, statistical
details etc.,

– Popular Report: suitable for:

• a more general audience, interested mainly in the
research findings as it is non-technical in nature.

– The writing style is designed to facilitate easy and

rapid reading and understanding of the research
findings and recommendations
• Most research reports include the following elements:
XI. Research design
I. Title page a. Type of research design
II. Letter of transmittal b. Information needs
c. Data collection from secondary
III. Table of contents sources
IV. List of tables d. Data collection from primary
V. List of graphs sources
VI. List of appendices e. Scaling techniques
f. Questionnaire development and
VII. List of pretesting
exhibits g. Sampling techniques
VIII. Executive h. Field work
summary XII. Data analysis
a. Major findings a. Methodology
b. Conclusions b. Plan of data analysis
c. Recommendations XIII. Results
IX. Introduction XIV. Limitations
a. Background to the XV. Conclusions and
problem recommendations
b. Statement of the
problem XVI. Appendix
X. Approach to the a. Questionnaires and forms
b. Statistical output

THE OBJECTIVE.. It defines the scope of your investigation. Identify
the purpose… To inform? To convince?
PLANNING YOUR REPORT How much time do you have to write the
report?. How can your work be divided up into the various stages?
Set yourself deadlines for the various stages.

COLLECTING INFORMATION What is the information you need ?
Where do you find it ? Survey Organizations Online: Google
Publications How much do you need ?
ORGANIZING INFORMATION Discriminate between relevant and
irrelevant information. Sort/organize information under main
ideas/details. The computer program, Inspiration, can help in
organizing .
• THE AUDIENCE Often 3 different audiences The casual reader/big boss who
wants the main message as painlessly as possible. The interested reader
who wants more detail but doesn’t want to grapple with all the gory
technical details. The guru who wants the whole story.

• WHAT TO DO? To address all 3 audiences effectively, Include an abstract

for the big boss A main body for the interested non-specialist A technical
appendix for the guru Thus, a structure emerges!


• FINISHING THE REPORT Writing style Structure alone is not enough for
clarity – you must also write clear sentences. Rules: Write complete short
sentences Avoid jargon and cliché, strive for simplicity One theme per
• All reports should be written in the third person i.e., as an objective observer!. Avoid
using terms such as ``I did this experiment and ..". Instead substitute terms, such as
``The experiment was performed
• Don’t use too many styles
• Avoid All Caps Difficult to Read
• Avoid Double Space
• Number Placement Bottom Center
• Paper High Quality
• 20# Weight
8 ½ x 11 Margins
• Top & Sides - 1”
• Bottom - 1 ½”
Left & Right 1.25”

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