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What is Big Bang Theory?

theory (n.)
•an idea of or belief about
something arrived through
speculation or conjecture;
•a scientific principle to explain a
What is Big Bang Theory?
•The Big Bang Theory proposes that the
universe was once extremely
compact/dense, and hot.
••A cosmic explosion (the Big Bang)
occurred about 13.7 billion years ago,
and the universe has been expanding
and cooling.
What are the light
elements in the
The lightest element
•Hydrogen(found in the sun and most the
••Helium(usually used to inflate balloons)
••Lithium(usually found in batteries)
••Beryllium(usually found in aircraft
components, missiles, aircraft, and
How were the light
elements formed in
the Big Bang?
Formation of the light element
•According to the Big Bang Theory, the
universe began from a tiny, extremely
dense and hot energy that expanded
Formation of the light element
•Some of the energy condensed
into quarks that then combine
to form protons and neutrons as
the universe continued to cool.
Formation of light elements
•After one second, the protons and
neutron existed in a ratio of about 6
to 1, and conditions allowed the
particles to combine as nuclei,
beginning the era of Big Bang
Formation of light elements
•For a period of about 1,000 seconds, the
lightest elements could form everywhere in
the universe. As the universe continued to
rapidly cool and expand, the density
dropped into a point where protons and
neutrons no longer combined into nuclei.
Big Bang nucleosynthesisstopped.
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
• All Hydrogen and most Helium in the universe was produced during the Big
Bang Event, starting ~100 seconds after the explosion. A small amount of
Lithium was also produced.

• Big Bang nucleosynthesis ceased within a few minutes because the

universe had expanded sufficiently by then such that the temperatures and
pressures were too low to support additional fusion reactions.
Protons and neutrons combined to make long-lasting
helium nuclei when universe was ~ 3 minutes old.
Big Bang theory prediction: 75% H, 25% He (by mass).
This prediction matches observations of primordial gases.
•What is a theory?
••What is Big Bang Theory?
••How were the light elements
formed in Big Bang?
••What are those light elements?
•On a sheet of paper, compare and
contrast your personal belief about
the beginning/creation of the universe
•to Big Bang Theory.
•Present your work with the class.

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