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Aquatic Activities

• recreational
• from the word “aqua” means water which involves and in relation
with water.
Different types of
Recreational Activities
Club Recreational Activities
• these are the usual recreational activities that your club, friends,
company or organizations planned for. usually this type of
recreational activity promotes social interaction, team building or just
a social gathering.
Recreation for Amusement
• Playing video games, computer games, internet surfing, sight-seeing
and others are the usual amusement activities that we are always
doing. Tourism, partying, shopping, visiting parks, museums, and
visiting historical places are the means of recreational activity for
Diversion through Entertainment
• Singing, listening to music, dancing, and watching movies, these
activities are also a type of of recreational activities. Whatever that
we like doing like a hobby or things we do for relaxation are also a
form of recreational activity. As we mentioned earlier, engaging in
something that we love is surely a recreation.
Sports Recreational Activities
• You are actually doing recreational activity through sports. Sports like
basketball, volleyball, swimming, baseball, lawn tennis and others are
good recreational activities to do. it is a recreational activity and it
would also help your body as these sports are also a good way of
exercising. As we all know, exercise is good for our body especially if
we are stress and overpowered in our daily routines.
Adventure Type of Recreational Activities
• if you are an adventurer, for sure this type of recreational activity is
the most enjoyable one. Adventure takes form in biking, hiking,
mountaineering, aquatic activities, bungee, jumping, trekking and
others. Sure, if you are brave enough to do these things. But being on
an adventure recreational activity. it would also give you an
opportunity to see the beauty of nature.
Aquatic Recreational Activities
• Aquatic is a broad term used for activities done in or on the water.
Among these are many lifelong and competitive activities, such as
fitness swimming (laps), racing, water polo, synchronized swimming,
diving (springboard and platform), water aerobics, snorkeling, scuba
diving, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, crew/rowing, white water rafting,
lifeguard/Guard start, and Water safety instructor. Philippine Red
Cross (ARC) and the National Association for Sport and Physical
Education (NASPE) provide instruments to assist physical educators
with assessment of student skills.
Programs and Examples of
Programs Examples of Activities
1. Instruction Learn-to-swim (infants, all ages, adults).
Specialties such as Scuba, lifeguarding, instructor courses in
swimming and lifeguarding, snorkeling, small water craft.

2. Wellness Water exercise, lap swimming, aquatic therapy.

3. Recreation all age free play, family play.

4. Competition Teams, swimming, diving and synchro.

Types of Aquatic Activities
A. Competitive Water Sports
Competitive water sports can either be individual or team-based. There are World
Championships. Olympics, and many other renowned competitions that test athletes in different
types of sports.

B. Individual Water Sports

This is defined as an individual performance that brings out the best in each
contender. It requires great physical strength, perseverance, determination, positive attitude, and a
burning desire to excel.
• one of the most popular water sports
• it has been around for centuries
• has become one of the most common recreational activities
• it is a sport that test your fitness and stamina.
• riding a surfboard on the forward face of a wave, which mostly carries
you towards the shore.
• has different types of surfing which depends on the length of the
surfboard, its design, the form of the waves that is ridden, and the
style of riding.
• balanced plays a critical role in maintaining the posture on the various
equipment that can be used for surfing. These includes surfboards,
surf mats, long boards, stand up paddle boards, wave-skis, knee-
boards or skim-boards.
• combination of the radical technique of surfing and sailing know-how
and skill.
• uses a surfboard with a sail fixed on a movable mat
• has to moves with the waves and sail according to the winds at the
same time.
• a water surface sport
• has a lot of competitions, both local and international, as well as an
Olympic event.
Jet Skiing
• basically a racing over a body of water on a one-man watercraft
• has fancy stuns and tricks such as flipping and jumping over a ramp
and can also be done in freestyle.
• competitive racing is done between 10-20 racers over a set course.
• not yet recognized as an Olympic event.
• was included in Asian Beach Games recently.
• surfing while being towed along by a high-speed boat.
• the board is specifically designed with fins and weights to allow the
rider to manipulate it with his/her feet.
• was partially inspired by snowboarding
• often performed in smaller water bodies like lakes.
Water Skiing
• water surface sport
• the person uses 2 ski or a single ski to skim or glide along the surface
of water.
• is pulled along by a high-speed powerboat with the help of a ski cable
or rope.
• a type of race that popularly involves swimming, cycling and running
various distances in immediate succession.
• it is a highly popular sport
• recently included in the Olympics.
• organized every year in The Ironman series and World Cup
• it is a test of physical fitness and stamina.
• uses a small surfboard or wakeboard which is pulled by a kite.
• need to have a some training first to understand the movement and
direction control of the kite.
• have few rules and regulations to follow.
• unlike surfers who start deep into the waves by swimming to the
deeper parts of the ocean, skimboarders start at the beach.
• the board is smaller than a surfboard.
• can be done in lakes and rivers
• also included in World Championships but skimboarding contests
such as European Skimboard League, United Skim Tour and Skim USA
are held to determine the World Champion of Professional Skim
• a water surface sport
• surfer rides a bodyboard on wave that carries him to the shore.
• bodyboards depends on the style of riding, height and weight of the
• has World Championship conducted for bodyboarders.
• Mike Steward (Hawaii, USA) is a 9-time record holder of it and is
considered as one of the best riders of all time.
• The International Bodyboarding Association World Tour determines
the champion at the present.
Cliff Diving
• wherein divers jump off cliffs or rocks in fresh water or salt water.
• Avid cliff divers travel the world in search of exotic locations to
experience the thrill and ultimate rush.
• just for fun
Fishing (Angling)
• can be a lazy, relaxed activity, or a frenzied and highly competitive
• has different types of fishing, from big-game fishing to fly fishing and
deep-sea fishing.
• species and quantity of catch required depends on competition rules
and area of fishing (sea, river or lake).
Team Water Sports
Water Polo
• very energetic sport and involves a full body workout, as players must
swim and defend the ball as well as try to score in the opponents
• more like handball played in water rather than polo.
• very intense and competitive sport.
• has a lot of strategies and techniques involved in the gameplay.
• has numerous competitions.
• a very old Olympic event.
• Thrill-seekers and extreme sports aficionados treasure this sport.
• an inflatable raft must be maneuvered over rather rough or
dangerous water by a team of around 4-12 people.
• a famous leisure sport.
• ideal vacation sport.
• it can be slightly dangerous depending on the location and water
• more fun during the rains when the river current is at its peak.
• a sport in which athletes compete in boats on rivers, lakes, or the
ocean, depending on the type of race.
• is the act of propelling a boat using the motion of oars in the water,
displacing water, and propelling the boat forward.
• played for both competitive and recreational purposes.
• one of the oldest sports in Olympics.
Synchronized Diving
• it is just not all about stepping off the board and jump, it’s a little
more complex than that.
• particular diving and jumping forms and rules.
• in some cases, acrobatics while falling must be performed.
• 2 divers must mimic or perform opposite diving forms, while diving
Synchronized Swimming
• combination of swimming, gymnastics and dance.
• requires great flexibility, aerobic endurance, strength, grace, perfect
timing, and excessive breath control when underwater.
• is performing elegant synchronized moves in the water with music
played in the background.
• doesn’t allow men to compete on Olympic and World championships,
but many other competitions do allow men to compete.
• an intensely competitive sport.
• travelling over water in a vessel or a vehicle that has sails can be
termed as sailing.
• has many competitions like Sailing World Championships, Sailing
World Cup for youth.
• men and women are held apart from the Olympic Sailing Regatta.
• a small boat called “kayak” is used to move across waters.
• can be done in white water rivers, seas, or lakes.
• has different purposes such as recreation, expedition, touring,
adventure, or competitive purposes.
• Kayaking through rapids and whitewater is dangerous and need years
of practice to master.
• is a part of the Olympic events.
• one of the fastest growing outdoor activities.
• is done in a small boat called canoe which is pointed at both ends.
• can be done individually or with group of people in rivers, lakes, or
even water parks.
• can be relaxing or adventurous.
• great and a very popular sport.
• has been part of Olympics since a long time.
• good for people who loves speed and racing.
• needs you to be aware of your surroundings.
• these powerboats can reach a very high speed.
• it is fun and enjoyable to ride.
• is sailing or boating on a vessel called “yacht”
• it is designed to sail fast
• used widely for racing
• has many competitions held for it.
• the America Cup is the most oldest, prestigious and exclusive event in
yacht racing.

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