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What movie
scares you?
What makes
you feel old?
If you had to move
what city would you
like to live in?
Is there a sport you
love to play but
hate to watch?
What was your
favorite bed time
story as a child?
What food have
you eaten too
much of in your life?
What phrase or
idiom do you think
makes no sense?
What would you
like to know more
What music are you
embarrassed that you
like listening to?
What are you
always late for?
How can you tell
when someone is
lying to you?
What animal
makes you smile?
When in your life
have you had a "now
or never" moment?
When did you
display courage?
What traditional
gender roles do you
disagree with?
What is your
drink of choice?
Who was the last
person who had a
crush on you?
What book can
you read over and
over again?
Did you ever
think you were
What was your
What is something
you have always
wanted to try?
When have you
seen Karma at
work in your life?
How do you prefer to
be awakened up in
the morning?
If you where a police
officer for one day
what would you do
with the authority?
What is your
favorite lie that you
have ever told?
What was the last
thing you wasted
you money on?

What was the first professional sporting event you went to?

What holiday has lost its true meaning?

Who taught you to swim?
What was the last thing you donated to a thrift store?
What did you have for Sunday dinner growing up?
What is something you have always wanted to try?

If you could hire out one household chore what would it be?
Who taught you to ride a bike?

Who do you admire as a leader?

What place would you like to visit?

When have you seen Karma at work in your life?
Who was your first love?

What is the last thing in your life that went according to plan?
What food did you used to like but now hate?
 What high brow cultural activity do you like to participate in?
What "red-neck" activity do you like to do?

If you had a 60 second Super Bowl advertisement what would you want to show a billion people?

Which one of your friend lives the closest to you?

What is the thing you like best about your work?
What do you do when you cannot sleep?

What hobby or activity that you not do now but think you might like when you retire?
Who do you talk to on the phone most often?
What goes through your mind when your boss asks to talk to you privately?
When do you have problems accepting criticism?
What investment opportunity do you feel sorry you missed out on?
What technology do you wish you understood better?
What would you like more control over in your life?
When have you experienced unrequited love?

What in life do you "just know"?

What was something that really hurt to let go?

We have over 500 get to know you questions.
If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Do you consider yourself a sore loser? Why?
What is the most beautiful language?
What class in school has proven to be the lease useful?
What book would you like to read?
What does your signature say about you?
What was your last brush with the law?
What was the last book you read?
What smell reminds you of home?
What acronym is most overused at work?
What is the farthest you have ever walked?
What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
How far would you go to save $50?
Who taught you to drive?
What commercial do you like?
What TV re-run do you sit down to watch whenever it is on?

What do you like to cook?

When was the last time you had a true "midnight snack"?

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