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Clean Code

Robert C. Martin

Oct 18, 2019

Iris Software, Inc.

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Why Concurrency

Question: What is Concurrency ?


 Concurrency is the ability to run several programs or several parts of a program in parallel.

 Concurrency is a decoupling strategy. It helps us to decouple what gets done from when it gets done.

“In single-threaded applications what and when are so strongly coupled”

Question: What are the benefits of Decoupling ?

 Decoupling what from when can dramatically improve both the throughput and structures of an

 From a structural point of view the application looks like many little collaborating computers rather
than one big main loop.

 This can make the system easier to understand and offers some powerful ways to separate concerns.
for example, the standard “Servlet” model of Web applications.

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Myths and Misconceptions

Question: What are Myths and Misconceptions ?

 Concurrency always improves performance.

 Design does not change when writing concurrent programs. (The decoupling of what from
when usually has a huge effect on the structure of the system).

 Understanding concurrency issues is not important when working with a container such as
a Web or EJB container.

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Concurrency Defence Principles

 Single Responsibility Principle

 Limit the Scope of Data

 Use Copies of Data

 Threads Should Be as Independent as Possible

 Know Your Library

 Use the provided thread-safe collections.

 Use the executor framework for executing unrelated tasks.

 Use nonblocking solutions when possible.

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Problem Statements

 Producer-Consumer

 Readers-Writers

 Dining Philosophers

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Learn these basic algorithms and understand their solutions

 Beware Dependencies Between Synchronized Methods

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Thank You!

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