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Prepared By: Lovely Dorigo
Donnabel Baquiran
Ericson Cadauan
Jerwin Garcia
Noli Me Tangere
Most Filipinos will recognize the
Latin phrase “Noli Me Tangere” as
the title of Dr, Jose Rizal’s first
novel, rather than as a biblical line
from the Gospel of St. John (20:13-
17). In English, It is usually
rendered as “Touch me not”.
Noli Me Tangere
Is the first novel written by Filipino
patriot and national hero Dr. Jose P.
Rizal in 1887 and published in
Germany. The story lines goes detailed
with the society of the Philippines
during Spanish colonial period and
features aristocracy behind poverty and
abuse of colonialist.
Noli Me Tangere
• Noli Me Tangere [Latin for Touch me not] is
a novel written by Jose Rizal, one of the
national heroes of the Philippines, during the
colonization of the country by Spain to
describe perceived inequities of the Spanish
Catholic priest and the ruling government.
In the philippines either Tagalog or
English. Together with its sequal, El
Filibusterismo, the reading of Noli is
obligatory for high school students
throughout the country. The two novels
are widely considered as the national
epic of the Philippines and are
performed in non-musical operas
throughout the country.
[NOLI ME TANGERE] was a name
used by local Filipinos for cancer of the
eyelids; that as an ophtalmologist
himself Rizal was influenced by this
fact is suggested in the novel's
dedication''To My Fatherland''.
Rizal, a filipino nationalist and medical doctor,
conceived the idea of writing a novel that would expose
the ills of Philippine society after reading Harries
Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
 In its publication, the novel caused an
uproar among Filipino among people that
also felt Spanish abuse. Noli me Tangere
was fallowed by its sequel, El
filibusterismo (1889) before common
Filipinos crossed the boarderline and
Started in the Famous Philippine
Revolution in 1896, some months before
Dr. Jose Rizal’s execution
El filibusterismo
 El filibusterismo is the second novel
written by Dr. Jose Rizal, is a sequel to
his first novel Noli Me Tangere.
El filibusterismo, which has english
alternate tittle of “ Reign of Greed” was
written in spanish, just like the Noli Me
El filibusterismo was
published in 1891 and is now
part of the teachings in the
secondary level or Highschool
in the Philippines to this day.
Symbolism and characters
Crisistomo Ibarra

 Whos fullname is Juan Crisistomo Ibarra y Magsali, is

depicted as one of the filipinos who manage to finished
their studies abroad. He had been living abroad for seven
years. unlike his countrymen. He has a liveral mind.
Outspoken and idealistic
 Crisistomo Ibarra exemplified the vision that Jose Rizal had
aimed for the youth of the philippines during his time.
Others attribute Ibarra has Rizal's reflection of himself.
 Whose full name is Maria Clara de los Santos, Is the
mestiza heroine in Noli Me Tanghere, a novel by Jose
Rizal, the national hero of the republic of the
philippines. Her name in character has since become a
byword in Filipino culture for the traditional, feminine
 Maria Clara symbolizes the purity and innocence of a
sheltered native woman during the time of spanish
occupation. She does not value material things that
were abudantly bestowed upon her by admires and
family alike but holds in high esteem her parents'
honor and the promise she had given to her
 Whose fullname Padre Damaso Verdolagas, is a
fransiscan friar and the former parish curate of San
Diego. He is best known as a notorious character who
speaks with harsh words and has been a cruel priest
during his stay in the town. he is the real father of
Maria Clara and an enemy of Crisistomo's father.
Rafael Ibarra. Later. he and Maria Clara had bitter
arguments whether she would marry alfonso Linares
or go to a convent. At the end of the novel. He is again
re-assigned to a distantant town and is found dead one
day ago.
 He symbolizes the spanish friars of Rizal's time and is
a comment on the spanish control of the philippines.
 Elias is a former boatman who became one of the most
wanted criminals in San Diego.He distrust human judgement
and prefers God's justice instead.He is acquainted with the
tulisanes and other crooks.which he uses to his advantage in
diseering the troubles of the town.
 Elias used to have an affluent life with his twin sister.He was
educated in a jesuit college with servants that wait upon
him.He prefers a revolution over the reformes that ibarra has
been inclined to belive in.
 Elias symbolize the common filipino who is not only aware of
the injustices done to their countrymen but would also like to
deliver them from their oppressors.He is said to be the
personification of Andres Bonifacio.
Pilosopo Tacio
 Whose fullname is Don Anastacio. seeking for reforms from the goverment. he
express his ideals in paper written in a eryptigraphic alphabet similar from
hieroglyphs and coptic figures hoping “that the generations maybe able to
deeipher it” and realized the abuse and oppresion done by the conquerors.
 Tasio comes from a rich family. He is often the pessimist and is untrusting of
human altruism, He also does not believe in the religious fanaticism that was in
vogue during his time.
 Tasio is one of bthe characters in the novel that Rizal can relate to, as the
former is patterned after the latter's oldest brother. Paciano Rizal.
 Tasio symbolizes the learned filipinos who had once embrace the culture of the
spanish regime. they eventually become disenchanted when they return to the
philippines and observe the stark contrast their countrymen recieve from their
colonizers. The more they turn to learning, the more they become eccentric to
the masses they seek to enlighten.
 He has secret admiration to maria clara. on the later
part of the story he and padre Damaso devised a plan
to break Ibarra and Maria Clara apart.
 symbolizes the lecherous friars of Rizal's time.
 Tiago was born the only one son of a sugar miller in
malabon. Despite being well-off, his father refused to
pay for his schooling, and so he taken in and was sent
to school by dominican. after both his father and the
dominican died, tiago went into business himself,
eventually marrying Doña Pia Alba.
 Capitan tiago was a typical character during the time
of Jose Rizal. He is a rich native-born Filipino who
rubbed elbows with the powers that be during that
time. He symbolizes the rich filipinos who oppress
their fellow coumtrymen in exchange for the influence
and the riches thatb they might gain from their
powerful associations.
 Her adulation of the spaniards leads her to imitate the
very actions amd attitudes of the spanish women.
 She symblizes the filipinos in society who are ashemed
of thier race and nationality.
 Whose fullname Doña Victorina de los Reyes de Espadaña
commonly known as Doña an ambitious Filipina
who classifies herself as Spaniards and mimics Spanish ladies
by putting on heavy make up.The novels narrates Doña
Victorina's younger days.She had lots of admirers,but she did
not choose any of them because nobody was a spaniards.Later
on, she met and married Don Tiburcio de Espadañ
official of the customs bereau who is about ten years her
junior however.their marriage is childless.
 Doña Victorina symbolize those who have a distorted view of
their identity. Everything that is indigenous is inferior and
everything foreign as superior.It is the comedic form of
“colonial mentality”.
 Don Tiburcio is the husband of Doña Victorina. he
was introduced as one of the invited guests of Capitan
Tiago in the latter's welcome party for Juan Crisostomo
Ibarra. He was known for charging exorbitant fees for
his medical treatment Don Tiburcio was intially a low
rank official in te customs.
 Don Tiburcio is a caricature of ignorant Spaniards who
wreak havoe in the provinces during the colonial era.
His countrymen condone his actions for they do not
want him to become a burden to them.
 Sisa and Basillio represent a Filipino family persecuted
by the Spanish authorities.
 sisa(Narcisa) is the typical native wife. she endures her
husbands beatings and irrespomsible. she had been
stripped of her few jewel by her husband, pedro, an
inveterate. despite the abuse, she considers him her
 Sisa is described as a mother who considers her sons
her only treasure she would often anticipate when they
return home as she would prepare their favorite dishes.
she remember each sons features and when alone
remwnber moments when sons were with her.
 Sisa is thougth to have represented the motherland
who was suffering as loss of her children. The tragic
events that ruuined her life represent the abuse that
the motherland received from her colonizers.
 Sisa 10-year-old son. An acolyte tasked to ring the
church bells for the angelus, he faced the dread of
losing his younger brother and the descent of his
mother into insanity. at the end of the novel, elias
wished basilio to gold located on his death group. He
will later play a major role in EL FILIBUSTERISMO
 Crispin and his brother, basilio were introduced in
charpter 15. He is a sacristan who had been accused of
stealing two gold pieces by the senior sacristan.
although hr had implored his order brother to payfor
the said amount.
 Crispin repsresent the innocent who have been
wrongly accused of the crime they did not commit.
The injustice they thier time were silenced thier deaths
and the cover-ups that follow it.
 Due to thier tragic but endearing story, these
characters are often paroidied in modern filipino
popular culture.

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